December 21, 2021


….. “You know, there was another time when science wasn’t taken seriously, and religion ruled the world……we called it The Dark Ages.”

TABLETS AND SMART PHONES DAMAGES A TODDLER’S SPEECH DEVELOPMENT…..And I absolutely agree…..I see so many kids bent over a phone or a tablet… upset…..give them artificial intelligence …..instead of a book….or just talking…..the thing is….you can’t get mad at the parents……because that’s the kids future…AI….and there is nothing we can do about it…..still,……nothing beats a good book…..researchers from the University of Toronto and the hospital for Sick Children……found out that every 30 minutes of screen time increased the risk of delayed speech by 49 percent… the age of two/three……infants should be able to communicate in sentences of between three or four words…..I think this is where the parents step in…..because my sons by the age of three….could read, write and speak in two different languages….anyway,….they go on to say…..those who spent the most time on handheld devices were found to struggle with communication skills… to your child…..and introduce him….her….them… a book….art…anything that doesn’t include an APP.

BI-RACIAL UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS WINNER SLAMMED AS NOT BLACK ENOUGH……A bi-racial woman won…..Miss Black  University of Texas….why there is a color contest is beyond me….was there a Miss Mongolian…..South American Asian……White…..Latino……Serbian…..what’s the point?……anywho,……since when does skin tone decided how “Black” you are…..come on now… great-grandmother was whiter than some white people I know….but I do agree with what this young woman has to say….. “I didn’t realize that even after I received the title I would still have to explain myself, that there were still ignorant people out there who are asking me to prove myself. Just because I have straight hair and olive skin tone doesn’t mean I’m not black…..I don’t have to look a certain way to be black.”…..and those of you who might have a problem with this…..I suggest you have a talk with Dick Gregory……he’ll explain it to you when it comes to gene mutation.

WOMAN SWALLOWS $9,000 IN CASH TO AVOID GIVING HALF TO HER EX-PARTNER……Now you really have to hate someone to do that…..and Sandra Milena Almeida…..from Bucaramanga, Columbia….hated this dude… see,….they were saving up cash to move to Panama….for a better life…..a few months later….dude comes home and tells Sandra…..we done…’s over….and by the way….I want half of the cash we saved together….sister girl was like…. “Oh hell no!”… she came up with the bright idea to wrap wads of 100’s in plastic foil….with a rubber band…..and swallow them and wash the bags down with water….the idea worked…until she got up to around 9 thousand……and probably thought….a hospital isn’t a bad idea right about now….so the docs took her up to OR….cut her open and said….WTF?……with all said and done….when she left the hospital…..she left with $5,700….as for the rest of the cash… figure it out.

MOM DISCOVERS BURGLAR BREAKING INTO HER HOME…….Man you do not want to piss this woman off……ever!… posted a video on Facebook…..which said…. “So just to make something clear. To the kid who broke into my home tonight: I’m not sure that you know what this is but I’m locked and loaded. And BTW, thank you for leaving all the evidence behind. Because guess what? You were on camera breaking into our home. And you’re so smart that you left your fingerprints everywhere for the Mc Kinney (Texas) PD to now have them. We have cameras inside and we have outside cameras. You won’t do it again. We will find you. Don’t mess with my home. It was not smart on your part young man. You committed a felony and you will be found”……and if you thought she was finished……nope!….her next message went straight to the parents….. “You think this is a joke? GET THIS STRAIGHT, be glad I didn’t have this shotgun in my hand when I came face to face with you. I can guarantee the winner and outcome on that. And all this for tennis shoes? All Mc Kinney middle school parents aware. If this is your child-he’s in VERY SERIOUS TROUBLE. Spread the word around. I. AM. NOT. KIDDING. WHEN. IT. COMES. TO. THE. SAFETY. OF. MY HOME.”……I’m guessing this was a P.S…… “YOU SCREWED WITH THE WRONG PERSON”…….I’m sure glad I know where my sons are…..because this lady ain’t joking!

SCIENTIST WARN THAWING SOIL COULD SUDDENLY UNLEASH DEADLY PATHOGENS UNSEEN IN CENTURIES……Great……more new germs…..that can kill us…..thanks for the info…..I was trying to make a joke with the “info”…..but this isn’t funny…..their theory or idea is…..what if we were exposed to viruses that have been dormant for a millennia?……as climate change melts permafrost, the frozen soil could suddenly release ancient, deadly bacteria and viruses that humanity hasn’t had to deal with for thousands of years… should read the article…’s not funny……..and ancient viruses are being unearthed in the Artic.

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