….We lost two great artists in one week….and D’wayne Wiggins…..one of the founding members of Tony-Toni-Tone this week…may you three rest well….and we will be bumpin’ your music…..always.
AMERIKKKA…..A 4-year-old boy died after accidentally….shooting himself in the head…..Migrants were deported in chains….
YOU COULD BUY CITIZENSHIP TO THIS TINY PACIFIC ISLAND FOR $105,000…..And that beautiful island would be….Nauru….they’re selling citizenship to individuals and families in exchange for six-figure contributions to its climate initiatives…..the rock is facing rising sea levels and biodiversity low…..but this atoll hopes to raise funds for climate resilience projects…..like solar energy installation….and water security….Nauru has a population of under 12,000 people and spans over eight miles…..to be the world’s smallest independent republic….Micronesian and Polynesian cultures have lived there for over 3,000 years….the island is also rich in pristine beaches….and marine life….and all of that is under threat by climate change…..such a shame….the island is really beautiful….but will be underwater soon…..like many of the other islands in the region…..Nicole would move there anyway…..an island, beaches, water, sun….she’s there….right before it goes….bloook.
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT NASA HAS DISCOVERED GALAXIES OLDER THAN THE UNIVERSE……To explain to you how stupid this theory is…..they say…..about 13.8 billion years ago…..you with me so far?…..the entire contents and energy of the universe were concentrated in a singularity…..a point of infinite density and temperature…..which began to expand rapidly….that lead to what some call….the Big Bang…..such a classic porn title huh?…..anyway,…..and when this “Bang” happened….gravity, electromagnetism and a bunch of other stuff they actually cannot explain happened…..now here’s where it gets deep…..these galaxies were spotted when the universe was a mere…..500 to 700 million years old…..and yes….there is no one alive who can vouch for that…..anyway,….the newly identified galaxies are anything but small…..something we do know about galaxies…..thanks to the Voyager satellite and the James telescope…..is that they’re not small…..the mass of stars in most galaxies total several time larger than our sun….one might be as massive as 100 billion times the mass of our sun…..our own Milky May galaxy contains a mass of stars….equivalent to roughly 60 billion suns…..long story short….NASA didn’t discover anything provable….due to the fact….we have no idea how what is called our universe works…..we don’t know what’s out there….do have the tech yet….to help us find out….what’s out there….and any theory thrown into the….the quote the Talking Heads…. “How did I get here?”…..idea…..is just that….a theory…..therefore, long story short…..we don’t know jack!…..13.8 bil…..who came up with that number….with no exact scientific proof?…..and talk about “The luck of the Irish”…..
IN 1945….Tsutomu Yamaguchi….survived the atomic blast of Hiroshima…..dragged himself to an air raid shelter….spent the night….caught the morning train so he could arrive at his job on time in Nagasaki…..where he survived another atomic blast.
HEATWAVE….I’m not talking about something we all wish for during the summer….nope….I’m talking about the band…..now there are those of you….who “KNOW” some of their songs…..and there are those of “US”…..who felt the songs….. “US” meaning…. “US”….who thought Bobby Caldwell….was a Black guy…..anyway,….Boogie Nights, Groove Line…..Always and Forever…..yeah, “US”….did anyone besides me….not know…..that this band was formed in London, England?…..I always thought they were out of LA…..because Rod Temperton…..an English guy did a lot of work with Michael Jackson Rufus, The Brothers Johnson, George Benson, Herbie Hancock and Quincy Jones…..two guys were from Ohio….the guitar player was also from England….one from Switzerland, a Czechoslovak and a Jamaican all formed the first group.
TELEPORTATION JUST MOVED CLOSER TO REALITY…….The one thing I want to learn before I leave this Earth portal….thanks to a new breakthrough in quantum mechanics….since the 1990s, scientists have successfully teleported photons, and more recently……experiments suggest electrons could be next……Quantum entanglement, the bizarre connection between particles across vast distances…..forms the basis for this research…..now, according to National Science Foundation-funded research by University of Rochester and Purdue University…..scientists, teleportation may also be possible between electrons….this is a massive breakthrough…..and as quantum computing advances, experts speculate that teleporting complex matter……even humans, might one day be possible….however, the process isn’t as simple as stepping into a sci-fi transporter…..teleportation wouldn’t move physical matter but rather the quantum information of every atom in a person’s body…..essentially reconstructing them at the destination while destroying the original……as quantum entanglement has shown us recently…..you’re not literally transporting matter itself…..instead, you’re transporting information about that thing that characterizes a quantum state…..this raises a fundamental question…..would the person who arrives still be the same individual or merely a perfect copy?….ethical and philosophical dilemmas loom large…..with physicists like John Clauser warning that stepping into such a machine would equate to death…..with only a replicant emerging on the other side……while teleportation’s potential applications….such as instant space travel are tantalizing, the risks and unknowns remain significant…..for now, the dream of human teleportation remains theoretical…..but as quantum technology evolves, society may soon have to decide whether the benefits outweigh the existential risks…..tell you what…..when you get it to the point…..where you don’t teleport me inside a brick wall…..or some galaxy where air doesn’t exist…..or some strange planet and their civilization looks at me and says…. “WTF is that?”…..then give me a call.