February 23, 2025


DAD: Who ate all the cookies?

SON: Ninjas

DAD: I didn’t see them

SON: No one ever does

DAD: Will you please stop singing Backstreet Boys

SON: Tell me why?

SISTA: Can we have pizza?

SIS: We just had pizza yesterday

SISTA: That pizza doesn’t know that

SIS: How was your date?

SISTA: I blocked his number during dinner

SIS: Are you high?

SISTA: Am I what?

SIS: High….

SISTA: Hello

SIS: When I die and go to heaven…..I hope I get my wings the first day

SISTA: What kind you getting’?…..BBQ or lemon pepper?

SIS: Look, it snowed last night


SIS: You want to go outside and build a snowman?

SISTA: NO!….I don’t want to build a freakin’ snowman…..I want to build a sandcastle….on a beach….in the sun…..where there is no snow

SIS: Do you ever judge someone….just because of their accent?

SISTA: I judge people before they even open their mouth


(Guy in a bar): I’ve seen flowers in bloom…..that are no match for your radiant beauty

AMY: I’ve seen a forest less shady than you

DATE: I like you

AMY: You have good taste….but no chance

GRAND-DAUGHTER: I’m glad I’m not a boy?

GRANDMA: And why is that dear?

GRAND-DAUGHTER: I like being smart

GRANDMA: And I shall live on

GRANDSON: What are you reading?

GRANDMA: Harry Potter And the Death of Anyone Who Interrupts Me

DAUGHTER: I have an uncomfortable question for you

MOM: Shoot

DAUGHTER: Don’t be mad…..but out of all the races…which one would be your least favorite race?

MOM: A marathon

DAUGHTER: What are you doing?

MOM (on the sofa drinking a martini): Watching a documentary about ducks

DAUGHTER: Oh, that’s so cute

MOM: No it’s not….I hate ducks

DAUGHTER: WHAT????….how can you hate ducks?

MOM: It’s like God was bored….so he created a waterproof chicken…..and shoved a Kazoo up its ass

MOM: Clean up your room….we are having guests

DAUGHTER: I didn’t realize that we are eating in my room

MOM: With all the cups and plates laying around….we just might

DAUGHTER: I tried reading the dictionary in bed last night

MOM: And?

DAUGHTER: I didn’t finish it

MOM: Why not?

DAUGHTER: I got up to P

MOM: You are seriously not my kid

DAUGHTER: Is the fall of Rome comparable….to the current situation in America?

DAD: Nah, Rome had better roads


INTERVIEWER: You’re asking for a pretty high salary for someone with no experience

BUBBA: Well, this job is gonna be super hard since I don’t know what I’m doing

SUSAN: Did you know mediums….can communicate with the dead?

PHONE CALL: Wow, just imagine what a large could do



PHONE CALL: You’re still in bed

PHONE CALL: I would go all the way….to hell and back for you

SUSAN: You don’t have to come back

PHONE CALL: I love your energy

SUSAN: Then why are you draining it?

SUSAN: I’m attracted to men with power

PHONE CALL: Well, I did pay my electric bill

PHONE CALL: Are you ok?

SUSAN: I am acting like I am ok…..please don’t interrupt my performance

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