…..Is Donald Trump the President of The United States?…..yes….I’m I happy about it?….no….was it an legitimate election…..I’m not sure but I wish I could ask Al Gore how he feels about it….the one thing I have noticed about Trump is this….he is evil….disrespectful…..a liar…a con artist….and un- trustworthy…..have I ever met the man?…no…but if your eyes are open it isn’t too hard to notice those traits…..he has defied every rule when it comes to being an elected official….and yet the majority of the population didn’t notice that….or flat out didn’t care….he has bragged about sexual assault against women…and made it seem like it’s as normal a thing to do just like eating an ice cream cone….he’s urged others to become violent…and bragged about doing it himself….therefore racial violence has risen…within different races…. he asked a country which we have differences with…to hack us in order to obtain information against another candidate he was running against….that is a crime…..he continued to belittle President Obama….continued to argue the birth certificate theory….had no problem spreading fake news and mocking the disabled….and for some of his followers…..that was ok….and they voted for him….he refused to show his tax returns….even though all the other candidates did….he constantly disrespects the press…and they or anyone who said something negative about him or his image….he goes on Twitter and acts like a child…while spouting stupid rants in return…..and yet…he was still elected to run what is considered one of the most powerful countries in the world….do I like him…no…just like I didn’t care for Nixon, nor Reagan, sometimes Clinton….and both Sr. and Jr. Bush…do I or will I ever respect Trump….never….is he going to ruin our global image….he already has….will he ruin our country….I think so…..people protested against our new …. “Leader”….some peacefully…some violently….and the police beat them and tear gassed them….is this the land of the free?…because the “ Brave” are getting their butts kicked by the ones who are supposed to protect their first amendment rights…..yes everyone has a right to agree to disagree….but violence doesn’t have to be included within that constitutional right….and during Trump’s inaugural speech….he continued to do what he does best….spread more fear!…..when I look at Trump…..he reminds me of the Uncle I don’t want to leave alone with the kids…..has anyone noticed….no one in his family smiles and act like they are also scared of him?
It took President Obama eight years for us to gain the world’s respect….it took a new presidential election in 2016 for us to lose it…..people say Obama was a horrible President….no he wasn’t….the man was only allowed to accomplish so much….while fighting the forces against him…..and he accomplished plenty……people say he should’ve ended the wars we were involved in…..think people….we shouldn’t have been involved in the first place….but those who started them…..didn’t want them to end….he may have been President….but there is always someone behind the curtain pulling the strings….just ask George Bush Jr…..did I like Obama because he was black?….no…I love him because he was a gentle and kind man who cared….about us….the citizens of America….and the first thing Trump said he wants to do is destroy what Obama worked so hard for to make sure we would be ok…..our new President tried everything in his power to destroy his image….but it didn’t work and he will go down in history as being one of the greatest sitting Presidents…..Trump would always attack anyone one who said something negative about him…except….Michelle Obama….he never said anything about her in his tweets…..any other woman yes….Elizabeth Warren….Rosie Ó Donnell….and more….but I think I know why he never dissed Michelle….because she probably would’ve invited him to the White House….took him into the Rose Garden….and kicked his ass….I know nothing about Trump’s wife….but I do know she will never live up to the image nor have the grace of Michelle….so for all you Trump supporters…..good luck because you are going to see and you will receive what you voted for….and if what I wrote pisses you off….. I DON’T CARE….get in line with the rest of the people I’ve pissed off during my lifetime…..and that’s a long ass line!…..and to the women of the world….who participated in the global Woman’s March…..and the men who stood beside them….by global I mean….Sydney, Berlin, London, Boston, D.C. all over America, Paris, Madrid, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Cape Town, Wellington, Nairobi , Ghana, Malawi, Munich, Belfast, Edinburgh Barcelona, Brussels, those wearing the Pussyhats…..and many more cities….who are voicing how they feel about our new President…..I love all of you….and it’s about time those in charge of making decisions….who have no rights to decide….in regards to your well-being…you are finally letting them know….to quote Erykah Badu…. “I’M GETTING TIRED OF YOUR SHIT!”….it’s time for women to step up…..and run things…..take charge….make changes….because men have been fucking it up for centuries…..so I’m letting everyone know right now….my Presidential ticket for 2020…..is Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren….or Elizabeth Warren and Michelle Obama….hey, a man can dream right?….and one more thing Trump…..how does it feel to know….that the majority of the entire world hates you?
GOODBYE AMERICA!…..That’s the chant people around the world are saying….especially in Europe….because they’re scared….hell I’m scared to visit home….our friend Audrie posted…. “ I’m not leaving the country….they might not let me come back”….and I posted… “I live outside the country….they might not let me in”……she told me to stay put…..with that nut job in the White House….you don’t know what to expect……the racial tension and violence….non-unity among most of the citizens….who wouldn’t be?….a lot of Europeans are afraid they might not be allowed into the country….lots of my friends don’t want to visit anymore….and their friends….and their friends….remember what Donnie said about letting in French and German citizens….Air France’s Union is urging its members to refuse to work on U.S. flights to protest Trump’s immigration order….if a few Syrian and Muslim people can raise that much ruckus at the airports trying to enter the country…..and he plans to check Green Card holders….what’s next?…..unfortunately Hamburg, Germany is hosting the G20 meeting this summer….and if there’s one thing Europeans know how to do well…..is protest…..it would be nice if Angela Merkel revoked Trump’s visa…..it would even be nicer if he was impeached out of office by then…..and it doesn’t even faze Donnie that he’s the most hated person on the planet….he’s earned a membership along with…..Adolf Hitler….Kim Jong II…..Saddam Hassein…..Pol Pot…..George W. Bush…..Joseph Stalin…..Idi Amin…..Robert Mugabe…..Muammar al-Gaddafi…..Ivan the (freakin´) Terrible….Nero….David Cameron…..Louis XVI…..Slobodan Milosevic……Nicolae Ceausescu……Francisco Franco and Augusto Pinochet….into the World’s Most Hated Leaders club….and you earned it during your first week in office…..I can’t wait to see what happens next.