February 16, 2025

HAYALO FRIENDS……(Hello in….Bengali)

THE BIGGEST JOKE ON MANKIND….is that computers have started asking humans…..to prove that they aren’t a robot

RESTAURANT SIGN:…..Please don’t complain about our English…..if you can’t speak Thai…..Love You!

ELON MUSK…..donated $288 million….to purchase North America

REMEMBER BACK….when “Climate Change” was only called….Spring…..Summer….Autumn and Winter?

EVERY FAMILY….needs one unstable person….who has no fear and is willing….to go to war with whomever messes with their tribe

I’D GET MORE SLEEP….if I wasn’t trying to figure out…..where hamsters live…..other than the pet store…..because I have never seen one out in the wild

MY THERAPIST….sent me a link to listen to rain and help me fall asleep….all I heard was chicken being fried….and now I’m hungry as hell

MY WIFE….gifted me a bath bomb….that looks suspiciously like a toaster

SORRY FOR ACTING WEIRD…..I am weird…..and it will happen again

I WAS TOLD….that after a vasectomy…..I wouldn’t have kids anymore…..imagine my shock when I went home…..and they were still there

KNOWLEDGE IS KNOWING….that a tomato is a fruit…..wisdom is knowing…..not to put it in a fruit salad

SLAVERY….is White history…..how we survived…..it is Black history

STARTING TO THINK……that the secret to happiness…..is being too dumb to realize how terrible everything is

DO YOU EVER THINK…..about the sketchy places you snuck off to as a teenager…..lied to your parents….and wonder….how the hell you’re not buried in a shallow grave somewhere….and still clutching a bottle?

PUB CRAWLS….are all the rage….but I truly feel that the idea…..of a bakery crawl has a lot of potential

18 EGGS AT SAFEWAY TODAY….$14.97…..but hey, at least he took away your civil rights….(oh, gas prices are up as well)

IF YOU WANT TO BAN….books with nudity, incest and genocide….I have some news to tell you about the Bible

TELLING  A MAN….you already have a “man”…..won’t stop them from hitting on you….but if you tell them you used to be a man……

DURING SLAVERY….they didn’t give us good education….good housing….good food or good clothing….what makes you think…..they gave us good religion?……(Dick Gregory)

KIDS NEED TO UNDERSTAND…. “In a minute” means…..whenever the hell I’m ready

I CAN BLOW….$1,000 in 5 minutes….and then stretch $17.50…..for a 8 days

WHAT ARE YOU….afraid of losing….when nothing in this world…..actually belongs to you?

IT REALLY….took 11 days…..to get to Friday this week didn’t it?

I STOOD WAVING….to my neighbor for 10 minutes this morning…..before I realized she was cleaning her windows


MINUTE AND MINUTE….shouldn’t be spelled the same….I’m not content with this content….I object to that object…..I need to read what I read again…..excuse me but there’s no excuse for this….someone should wind this post up…..and throw it in the wind

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