December 31, 2024


“HAVE A TIME ZONE PARTY”…..Think about it…….when it’s midnight in Australia…..its 5p  Central Europe Time……its 11a in NYC……and in CA…’s what…8-9 in the morning… for Hawaii….by the time New Year’s hits that spot…..those people are going to be so seriously bent…..wasted…..they’ll never realized by the time the new year arrives……it’s already tomorrow in Australia…..anyway….the point is….. “New Year…..New Shit”… go out with a memory…..see friends…face time…..zoom….have one or go to parties….curl up and watch a movie…..go to the fridge and…….start drinking, eating…..puff-puffing…..whatever…. no matter what your time zone is……kick it off celebrating with Australia…..and keep it going…..every hour……India……Egypt…..Europe….and enjoy celebrating something new…..something old…..until you get to your New Year……..have a great 2025 y’all… ya….and see you next year.

HELLO FRIENDS……( Hello in……English)

PLEASE DON’T RIDE WITH ME….if you’re going to grab the dash or scream…..every time we run off the road… makes me nervous

I’M NOT SURE….what’s scarier….. the insane grocery prices……or the food being sold to us

MY KIDS ACCUSED ME….of having a favorite child….which is ridiculous….because I don’t like any of them… grandbabies are my favorite

LISTEN HERE….drunk me….work me….and mom me are NOT…..the same person….don’t get it twisted

BE WARY…..of the man…..who urges an action… which himself…..incurs no risk

IF THE FETUS IS GAY….will you continue to protect its rights?

BEFORE YOU…disrespect some of us old folks… might want to do a background check…..a lot of us still have a few screws loose…..we still know how to do what we use to do…..we’re old school for a reason

IT’S TIME… realize….that food is a form of healthcare

INSTEAD….of saying…. “Let the states decide”….try saying….. “Let the women decide”… makes a lot more sense

THERE ARE 494….billionaires on this planet…..and not one of those losers….has decided to become Batman

WE LIVE IN A WORLD….where trained cops can panic…..and act on impulse….but untrained civilians must remain calm….with a gun in their face

SOMEONE ASKED ME….If I had plans for the fall… took me a minute to realize….they meant “autumn”……not the collapse of civilization

#ANALBUMCOVER…..Yeah, I read it wrong too…..that’s why we’re friends

IF YOU WANT….religion in schools…..I want the Internal Revenue Service….in churches

TO ALL THOSE….who refuse to be manipulated by the media…..I salute you

BABIES WHO SMILE….at depressed people in supermarkets……are spiritual healers……and unsung heroes of humanity


EVERY HUMAN….migrated out of Africa….to populate the entire planet….every human on this planet…..have ancestors originating from Africa….this is true….whether you like it…..or not!

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