February 21, 2025


……I’m tell ya….say what you have to say now…..because they’re making sure you won’t be able to later…..Chris Kluwe attended a city council meeting in Huntington Beach, California….ok, now I know why he was arrested…..anyway,….he and a few other residents were protesting a new plaque on display at the library….and they deemed it a “propaganda statement”….for including the words…..Magical….Alluring….Galvanizing and Adventurous….which, depending on how you look it it….spells MAGA…..and he wasn’t having it…. “MAGA stands for trying to erase tran people from existence….MAGA stands for resegregation and racism…..MAGA stands for censorship and book bans…..MAGA stand for firing air traffic controllers while planes are crashing….MAGA stands for firing the people overseeing our nuclear arsenal…..MAGA stands for firing military veterans and those serving them at the VA….including canceling research on veteran suicide…..MAGA stands for cutting funds to education…..including for disabled children….MAGA is profoundly corrupt…..unmistakably anti-democracy and most importantly…..MAGA is explicitly a Nazi movement…..you may replace a swastika with a red hat….but that is what it is”…..he then proceeded to walk towards the council…..but the police got there first, slammed to the ground, hauled him off to jail for a few hours….and then released him…..and here’s a twist to everything…..Kluwe played in the NFL from 2005-2013…..eight seasons with the Minnesota Vikings…..and later claimed in an op-ed….he was removed from the team for publicly supporting same-sex marriage….and the Vikings called his claim BS…..free speech is out the window now folks.


THE NEW REPUBLIC of  AMERICA…..So, where did we leave off last time?….ah,….the Trump administration halts the CDC flu vaccine campaign…..a Texas Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutor boldly claimed…. “America is a White nation and I am a fascist”……the toddler in D.C. said…. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a dictator and blamed him for starting the war with Russia……and now the U.S. is switching its stance….on the Ukraine war…..while seeking a $500 billion payback for helping them…..and halts weapon sales…..but if they will agree with the proposed peace treaty…..and allow the U.S. to dig for minerals in their country…..everything will be fine…..well, someone else has something to say about this deal…..


America, I have a question for you.

You chose Donald Trump as your president…..and today, your president picked up the phone and called the world’s number one terrorist…..not to demand justice….not to hold him accountable…. but to talk….to negotiate…..to treat him like a legitimate leader…..so tell me….how do you feel about that?…..would you have accepted a president who called Bin Laden after 9/11?….would you have justified sitting down with ISIS?…..because that’s exactly what just happened…..I’ve buried brothers because of Putin……I’ve seen civilians executed, children crushed under rubble, entire families wiped off the earth…..and yet, Trump, your leader just gave that monster a seat at the table…..for three years, Ukraine has been fighting for survival…..standing on the front line of freedom……the American people have stood with us…..and I will always be grateful for that….. but now, your president stands with our enemy…..so I’ll ask again America…..how do you feel about that?

BONNIE BLUE KNOWN FOR SLEEPING WITH 1,057 MEN IN UNDER 24 HOURS IS REPORTEDLY PREGNANT…..Ya think???….do you have any idea how many….. “Sailor torpedoes” were shot up inside that woman?

MEXICO PRESIDENT WARNS U:S. AGAINST INVADING TO FIGHT CARTELS AFTER WASHINGTON DESIGNATES THEM AS A TERRORIST GROUPS…..When will someone designate Washington…..as a terrorist group…..or groups?……even though we have all the high-tech weaponry to fight a fight…..we still have learned nothing from Vietnam.

THIS IS BEAUTIFUL…..A group of high school students in Michigan volunteered to carry caskets for homeless veterans……ensuring they received a dignified farewell…..initially created to assist those without families…..the program later focused on unclaimed veterans…..what started with just a few students grew as more joined, demonstrating their kindness and respect…..the students organize these ceremonies…..ensuring the veterans receive the honors they deserve…..this heartwarming initiative has had a positive impact on the community and continues to inspire others to show empathy and support for those in need….promoting compassion and service.

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