December 21, 2021


….Ha,…..I guess you didn’t see that one coming did ya?

MAN STABBED TO DEATH IN VIETNAM KARAOKE ROW…..And this happened at a wedding….dude was in the middle of singing a song in honor of the lucky couple…..and then another guest was mocking his song….got up and snatched the microphone out of his hand….dude went postal….and stabbed a guest who was trying to break up the fight.

LEAVE IT TO A GERMAN PAPER TO SAY WHAT EVERY SANE AMERICAN THINKS OF TRUMP……I have to admit…..Klaus Brinkbäumer…..who writes for Der Spiegel magazine….nailed this one….the article is called…. “It’s Time to get rid of Donald Trump”…. “Donald Trump has transformed the United States into a laughing stock and he is a danger to the world. He must be removed from the White House before things get worse. Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds, nor the task associated with it. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t bother to peruse important files and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious, and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees.

He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he’s a liar, a racist and a cheat. I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to Trump. And it’s the media’s tasks to continue telling things as they are: Trump has to be removed from the White House. He is a danger to the world.

Trump is also a miserable boss. His people invent excuses for him and lie on his behalf because they have to, but then Trump wakes up and post tweets that contradict what they have said. He doesn’t care that his spokesman, his secretary of state and his national security advisor had just denied that the president handed Russia (of all countries) sensitive intelligence gleamed from Israel (of all countries). Trump tweeted; “Yes, yes, I did, because I can. I’m the president after all.”

In “Game of Thrones” the Mad King is murdered (and the child that took his place is not better). In real life, an immature boy sits on the throne of the most important country in the world. He could, at any time, issue a catastrophic order that would immediately be carried out. That is why the parents cannot afford to take their eyes off him even for a second. They cannot succumb to exhaustion because he is so taxing. They ultimately have to send him to his room – and return power to the grownups”…..well said Herr Brinkbäumer…..well said!….and now a U.S. security official apologizes to world leaders for Trump after he humiliates America…..he shoves the Montenegro Prime Minister to the side so he can be in front….says Germans are bad, very bad….he gives a speech about how some countries in NATO are not paying their fair share…while the world leaders standing behind him try not to laugh because he hasn’t a clue as to how NATO works….…when the leaders at the G 7 meeting decided to go for a walk… Trump decided to ride in a golf cart……and now the new French president won’t even shake his hand….he needs to go!


Woman locked her kids in the car trunk while she shopped

Woman claims Delta Airlines held her puppy hostage; demanded $3,000 for its release

Man falls asleep while taking a crap in a Walmart with a cigarette in his mouth and sets his underwear on fire

Johnnie Mac Sells, the owner of a nursing home says he spent $667,000 from Medicaid on strippers

Donald Winfred Bowen headbutts his 66-year-old father after he told him to stop yelling at his wife

Robert Desmond Johnson gives his 17-year-old daughter pot brownies and has her sell them at her high school

John Abdo bites off the nose of his girlfriend after an argument, his girlfriend asks the judge in a letter to drop the charges

Donald Johnson and his father shoot each other over who’s going to walk the dog

Katrina Kegelman smokes crack just before giving birth and tries to hide the kid in the backyard bushes

Woman threatens to scream rape when her Uber driver tells her he does not have an iPhone charger

Airline passenger tries to bite a flight attendant before jumping out of the aircraft

FORTY-EIGHT CARS CRASHED INTO THE SAME HOUSE DURING THE LAST YEAR…..You would think the people living there….would’ve moved after the 10th one landed in their living room.

RUSSIAN RETAIL STORE DISPLAYS SIGN READING “NO ENTRY FOR FAGGOTS”….I’m not even gay…..and this store would never receive one Ruble from me…..a chain of Russian food stores run by a devoutly religious nationalist businessman has placed signs in its windows saying gay customers will be refused entry… much for love thy neighbor.

SWISS VILLAGE BANS TOURISTS FROM TAKING PHOTOS BECAUSE IT’S “TOO” BEAUTIFUL……Ok ego people……I’ve been to Switzerland…..many times….and there are lots of beautiful places….but here…..the Bergün/Bravugn locals believe that their village is so beautiful….that visitor’s pictures of it….when they upload to social media….will make other people miserable……uh huh…..yeah, this is a small village…..and it’s obvious no one living there has ever traveled to Lugano….because if they did…..they wouldn’t make that statement…..and I’m sure Venice, Rome, Prague, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Amsterdam, London, Palermo and Santorini are not losing any sleep over your claim.

NOOSE FOUND INSIDE NATIONAL AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSEUM…..Man this shit has got to stop…..those who would like to start a race war need to realize one thing…..there are more people of color living on this planet….than there are non-people of color…..and to think some White Nationalists think Donald Trump set them free to commit these hate crimes….if we keep going down this road…..the country is going to explode…..because we’re not going back to how it was…..over 400 years ago……and for some it doesn’t matter who you are……because LeBron James L.A. home was vandalized and tagged with the “N-word” spray painted on it….and you have the nerve to be upset….because Kathy Griffin took a photo of her holding a severed head of Trumpy…..and didn’t say one word while Obama was dealing with racist crap……and what about the Pro-KKK flyers going around in Texas that says….. “Join the best or die like the rests”…….make America great again?……man please!

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