February 25, 2025


……You know what’s funny?……Christians spend generations warning us about the coming of the Antichrist…..and when he does show up….they line up to vote for him….but we already know what the devil looks like….he’s the non-elected politician….elected politicians are allowing to ruin the country….while most choose not to do anything about it…..as for what a Hell might actually look like…..give America a few years….and the entire world will see what it looks like….now this experts description of what his Hell would look like…..a subject he started…..and never gave a definitive description….sounds more like a country club…..lets me know this expert has never been to Hell and has no idea what it may look like…..but guess what expert?…..I’ve been to Hell…..I walked through it…..I was sent to it…..and had to spend days there…..and I’m willing to bet this guy has never set foot in Cleveland…..and while I’m on the subject of……

THE DEVIL….Elon Musk’s inventory of unsold Tesla’s is so large….it is now visible from space…..there are nearly 50,000 Tesla’s sitting in parking lots across the US alone….so many, they can be seen from space…..the Tesla Gigafactory Texas plant….went from partially filled in late 2023…..to overflowing in March 2024…..additional storage locations including vacant malls and parking lots….across America….and are also being filled to capacity……Tesla maintains optimism about reversing this inventory buildup…..the increasing availability of unsold vehicles….raises questions about long-term demand for its once dominant brand…..and he wants Space X to take over the airline industry?…..you can’t even get shit off the launch pad…..Lil Kim in North Korea has pop rockets better than yours.

US PARK SERVICE RANGERS…..Are sharing their opinion on how they feel the direction the country is going in…..by hanging a US flag….upside down…..which is taken as a sign of distress….in Yosemite National Park….on top of El Capitan.

ROBERTA FLACK, SOUL AND R&B ICON DIES AT AGE 88…..This lost is seriously “Killing Me Softly”…..say hello to Donny Hathaway for me ok?

GERMANY’S NEW CHANCELLOR HAS DELIVERED A BRUTAL VERDICT ON DONALD TRUMP…… “My absolute priority will be to strengthen Europe as quickly as possible….so that step by step…..we can really achieve independence from the USA…..I never thought I would say something like this on television…..but after Donald Trump’s statements last week at the least…..it is clear that the Americans….at least this part of the Americans….this administration are largely indifferent to the fate of Europe”…..he was referring to the US president’s comments on the Ukraine war….and when it comes to NATO, he added…. “I am very curious to see how we are heading toward the NATO summit at the end of June…..whether we will still be talking about NATO in its current form….or whether we will have to establish an independent European defense capability much more quickly.”

NEWBORN BABY DIES AFTER AMERICAN TOURIST, 18 ALLEGEDLY THROWS INFANT OUT OF HOTEL WINDOW IN PARIS…..Oh don’t act so surprised by her actions…..come on, the American government made sure she didn’t have a choice…..on whether or not……she didn’t want to have it….or take precautions….to prevent a pregnancy…..she’s an 18-year-old….how could she possibly know…..what is right for her…..right America?…..then again, if you think a 12-year-old can decide…..I mean, everyone knows you know what is best for women…..you have proven it over and over right?…..like Salem?…..remember how well you accepted The Woman’s Rights Movement back on July 13, 1848……gave us an eagle eye view on what you think about choice…..and still, you prove to all…..how much you respect women America…..like the woman attending a Idaho town hall…..who was dragged out and hospitalized…..all because she asked a question in regards to…..Medicaid…..and reproductive rights….and yep, the First Amendment went right out the window…..again…..that’s so Handmaid’s Tale…..so I guess the new rule in regards to freedom of speech will be….. “Speak up…..and you will suffer the consequences?”……Margaret Mead once said….. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world….indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

US JOINS RUSSIA TO VOTE AGAINST UN RESOLUTION CONDEMNING RUSSIA’S WAR AGAINST UKRAINE…..Dear America….what more proof do you need….to finally realize….whom “STUPID’S” allegiance is for?…..and…..when a “Hot mic”…..catches a 4-year-old….telling America’s president to “Shut up”…..and making sure he knows that “He is not the president”…..while his father holds a presser in the oval office of the “WHITE” house….and interrupts the “So-called president” while he’s talking….that alone should let you know…..this past election was anything but…..fair…..possibly stolen or bought…..and who is actually running the country…..a African-American racist illegal immigrant…..well done!

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