November 8, 2024


…… “Remember, remember the 5th of November”… quote Guy Guido Fawkes…..Nicole said good luck and went to bed….I propped myself on the sofa….close to the fridge…..filled with beer, wine and munchies….hey, it’s a long night…..puff, puff don’t pass….anyway,…..45 minutes to go before CNN lets me know how people are voting….sorry, it’s either the actors on CNN….or German news…..there have only been three times in my life….where I felt scared and not in control of a situation I’m faced with…..realizing there’s nothing I can do to change it…..and hopelessness is what I have to accept….the birth of my sons are the first two…..this election is the third….you have no idea how afraid and scared I am….including me and a lot of other expats living across the pond….so I watched the incoming results until 4 in the morning…..when I turned the news on again at 9… fears hit me right in the face because….citizens of the United States….I would like to welcome you to….Dante Alighieri’s Inferno…..Nine circles of Hell…….because you chose to elect…..

AMERICAN’S FIRST DICTATOR (Second-Sixth-Eight-Ninth Circles)…..…..And I kept asking myself….. “WHY?”…..but I wasn’t surprised…..shocked yes, surprised no…..the REICH-publican party never bothered to hide their agenda…..they wanted power….and their agenda was to use the Joseph Goebbles playbook….. “If you repeat a lie often enough….people will believe it….and you will even come to believe it yourself…..a lie told once remains a lie….but a lie told a thousand times….becomes the truth”……and it worked……America, you let the entire world know…’d rather have a rapist, convicted felon, thief, con man…..not to mention a compulsive liar… your leader of the free world….who had the backing of major billionaires help him obtain the presidency….by any means necessary….instead of choosing a capable, intelligent person….who abides by the rule of law…..and now the world knows…..America would rather settle for electing a law breaker…who will never see the inside of a prison cell……because between your millions of votes for him…..and he and his rich friends having the Supreme Court in their pockets…he basically did shoot someone on 5th Avenue…..and got away with it….he’s now above the law….to quote a Turkish proverb….. “When a clown moves into a palace….he doesn’t become a king…..the palace becomes a circus”…..MAGA will be out in full force after this win……..and will probably be more violent than ever…..somehow it seems like the United States surrendered to…..the Russians, the Nazis and the Confederacy….all in one night……and you chose him over……

A BLACK WOMAN LEADER (First circle)…..Right now, I’m not sure which is more degrading….being consider 3/5 of a human being….or being any woman in America…..women right now….who are experiencing what his party has in store for your future…..many of you who voted for him….just helped other women…..lose their choice, like you….to decide for themselves… when your daughter has a miscarriage….and ends up with sepsis…..because she can’t get the care she needs….don’t worry….the gas you need to get to her funeral….should be super cheap…..and let’s be honest…..we knew a woman would never be elected to govern over men in America….and a Black one at that…..I guess having one leading the country was enough….we can’t have another one…..especially a woman one… ex-classmate posted…. “We won, we won”…..I would love to have the opportunity to look her in the face and ask….. “What did you win?”…’re a woman…..another one of his followers said this…. “We did it….we won our freedom back”…..this comment was even more interesting to me…..because I would love to ask this elderly white woman…. “When did you ever lose your freedom?”… leader….be it a king or a queen….even dictators…..has ever come into power….without making a promise….they’ll probably regret…..

ERGO (Third-Fourth-Fifth-Seventh circles)….I think we probably saw our last so-called “free election”….the REICH-publicans waited patiently for their plan to work and it started growing with Obama…..that’s why he had a second term….it wasn’t ready…..the new Dictator’s first 4-years was a dry run test….putting everyone in their proper place….then there was for years of misinformation…..and now….it’s time to put the plan into action and take total control….government, education, choice, media, law and order….and a bunch of “Brown Shirts” to terrorize the “others”…..and let’s not forget those who feel it’s ok to scream racial slurs….in the faces of those they deem “different”….all controlled by our new government…..his followers basically said…. “FELON: no problem….RACIST: Don’t care….INSURRECTIONIST: We’re cool…..RAPIST: Not a deal killer…..BLACK WOMAN?….Hold on a minute”…..sad to say but one day…….those who think they won….and are currently celebrating….will eventually realize…..that they didn’t….we all lost…..Latinos….you may have voted for him….but wait until you find out…..Presidents can’t control grocery or fuel prices….but he can certainly try and find a way to deport your family…..and seniors basically voted to gut Social Security….men voted for their daughters and wives to die from miscarriages…..Immigrants voted for deportation raids…..poor people voted for tax cuts for billionaires…..woman voted to have fewer rights than men…..and the police voted for a convicted felon…..division between Americans turned so bad after the election….three women in Miami were shot during an argument over the election…..the federal military draft agency….is suggesting the US is becoming the new 1933 Nazi Germany……Americans are turning to expat websites after the election…..because “They want out of the country”…..racists text messages are threatening Black students nationwide after his win…..several post on right-wing social media is openly speaking of taking revenge against liberals and other enemies of their new leader….. “There has to be as many traitors executed….as he has days in office….build the gallows…..restore the “Republic””…..his attorney general “vows”….to drag bodies through the streets…..and burn them……Proud Boys and other militia groups…..the ones you may deem un-American and you go gunning for them….just remember…..they also have guns….and….

ME?…..My body and brain has been numb and empty with answers…..I thought we were better than that….and we proved to the entire world…..we’re not….so America…..I’m done…..the reason why I moved across the pond….was elected to the highest office in the country again….the South has risen once again…..and I’m sure a civil war is in the making….therefore my fellow Americans….on New Years Day……January 2025….I will not welcome us all to the United States of America….I will welcome you to the…..NRA……NEW REPUBLIC of AMERICA!

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