June 13, 2024




Made your bed?

Brushed your teeth?

Brushed your hair?

Gotten dressed?

Had breakfast?


20 minutes of reading

20 minutes of writing/coloring

Cleaned up one room

Played outside for 20 minutes

Made/built something creative

Helped someone in the family


FATHER PUSHED BLACK SUPERINTENDANT ASIDE TO PREVENT A HANDSHAKE WITH HIS GRADUATING DAUGHTER…..Gotta give dad credit….at least he’s not hiding the fact….that he‘s a full-blown racists….I feel sorry for his daughter….one of hopefully many highlights of her life…..and this is the one….everyone will always remember…..he was later arrested…..and that’s the same school….Baraboo High School…..where a photo was taken of former and current students….doing a Nazi salute…..a Massachusetts fifth-grade school teacher shamelessly  lined up students of color…..in a mock slave auction….and used the N-word while reading from a book….that didn’t contain the word….to these fifth-graders…..and of course the education overseers…..are attempting to clean this up……but why stop now….a Black molecular biologist was barred from buying a Virginia Beach condo….by the White owner over racial bias…doesn’t matter….the sale is going through…..I love this one….Byron Donalds…. REICH-publican from Florida….co-hosted a Trump campaign event for Black voters in Philly….and said….. “You see, during Jim Crow…..the Black family was together….during Jim Crow….more Black people were not just conservatives…..Black people have always been conservative-minded…..but more Black people voted conservatively…..oh, there’s more…..and then welfare and Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs…..had hurt Black families to the point…..that they were worse off than in the days of Jim Crow…..…you go down that road, and now we are where we are”…..he was referring to the former U:S. Department of health, Education and welfare……Hakeem Jeffries….a DEM from NY…..said this to that…. …..”That’s an outlandish and out of pocket observation….we would not be better off when a young boy named Emmett Till could be brutally murdered without consequence…..because of Jim Crow……we were not better off when Black women could be sexually assaulted…..without consequence because of Jim Crow…..we would not be better off…..when people could be systematically lynched…..without consequence because of Jim Crow…..we were not better off when children could be denied an high-quality education…..without consequence because of Jim Crow…..we would not be better off…..when people could be denied the right to vote….without consequence of Jim Crow……how can you make such an ignorant observation?…..you better check yourself….before you wreck yourself.” …..Donalds is Black BTW…..sucking up to get on the Trump train….and has no idea his butt will be riding in the caboose…..if he’s allowed on the train at all.

THE WORLD BANK….Has issued a directive to Western nations……to completely abolish farming in order…..to achieve net zero emissions by 2030…..the plan includes closing down farms globally….and placing them under the control of a few World Economic Forum (WEF)….young global leaders….like Bill Gates….who will then…. “radically alter the way food is grown.”

YOU EVER LOOK AT SOME SELFIES….Posted by people we know…..and you like/know/love this person….and you look at one of the many posted selfies…..as if one is insufficient….but 90 of them is the better round figure…..and you look….and say to yourself…. “WTF were you thinking?”…..anyway,…….

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD TELL CNN ANCHOR “NO, BLACK PEOPLE WON’T SYMPATHIZE WITH DONALD TRUMP GOING TO JAIL”…..I can’t speak for all….but I know many who won’t lose any sleep over it.

MAJORIE TAYLOR GREENE SAYS “CONVICTED FELON” IS JUST LIKE JESUS……Nah, a cross would be way too good for him…..the rack, iron mask or the pendulum might not be bad ideas though…..my new favorite crazy person…..couldn’t hit a donkeys ass with a banjo…..because that man is the walking epitome….of every deadly sin.

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