….In 2023 she became the first Black woman to coach in a Super Bowl….she was an assistant sports performance coach for the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl LVII…..and the Eagles 2025 Super Bowl win over Kansas City….made her the first one….her success is carving a path for more Black women….to break barriers in professional football….it wasn’t an easy road for Autumn…..she earned her degree in Exercise and Sports Science from the University of Arizona…..took on strength and conditioning roles at East Tennessee State University and the University of Houston…..her skills caught the eye of the Atlanta Falcons….where she gained experience through the Bill Walsh Diversity Coaching Fellowship….and that opportunity set the stage for her move to the Eagles in 2023.
DRONE SHOT DOWN OVER TRUMP MOTORCADE AMID IRANIAN THREAT…..Sure….and a lone crazed young guy….shot his ear….but I would believe Fox TV…..covered up the loud boos…..with fake crowd cheers when he attended the Super Bowl…..NEXT!
CANNED TUNA SOLD BY MAJOR U.S. GROCERS RECALLED DUE TO BOTULISM CONCERNS…..And those stores would be….Trader Joe’s, Walmart and Costco…..just told my mom to watch out for foods in Costco yesterday…..the recall involves some canned tuna sold in dozens of states and Washington, D.C. …..under the Genova, Van Camp’s, H-E-B and Trader Joe’s brand names….,stated Tri-Union….a global seafood provider based in Thailand….clostridium botulinum is a potentially fatal form of food poisoning…..and you wonder why I freakout when I have to eat foods back home….for the first three days….my body rejects the food I put in it until I adjust to it…..Avian flu spreads….1.8 million farmed birds killed…..eggs, meats, fruits, veggies…..and now bake goods are and have been recalled……told ya….soon the most nourishing meal you’ll be able to enjoy in the future…..will be a beer and a cigarette.
KID ROCK THROWS TANTRUM BECAUSE NO ONE CLAPPED DURING GUEST APPERANCE….Oh, he be mad…..he appeared during Bon Jovi keyboardist David Bryan’s birthday celebration….and when no one was really showing any appreciation in regards to his talent…..a few people clapped….and dude erupted…. “If you ain’t gonna clap….we ain’t going to sing……you know what, F…k y’all….you ain’t gonna clap, I’m gone”……Bryan continued to play with the rest of the band….and had a great time….MAGA kid was so mad…..I wouldn’t spend a dime on a show he’s in…..and I would never play a song you recorded when you sing lyrics like this….. “Young ladies…..young ladies…..I like ‘em underage…..see some say that’s statutory….but I say it’s mandatory.”
US AND UK REFUSE TO SIGN PARIS SUMMIT DECLARATION ON “INCLUSIVE AI”…..They’re refusal to sign a declaration on inclusive and sustainable artificial intelligence….was a blow to hopes for a concerted approach…..to developing and regulating technology…..the communique states that priorities include….ensuring AI is open, inclusive, transparent, ethical, safe, secure and trustworthy……taking into account international frameworks for all…..and making AI sustainable for people and the planet…..this document was backed by 60 other countries….including France, China, India, Japan, Australia and Canada.
BEFORE I GO…..There’s something else I have to mention….and it goes back to….
THE SUPER BOWL…..Cooper Dejean…..a defensive player on the Super Bowl winning team….the Philidelipha Eagles…..and congratulations to my brothers….Bill and Roger for stomping on the Kansas City “Cheats”…..anyway,….this kid played in his first Super Bowl….snatched an interception off of the top QB in the NFL….ran it back all the way into the end zone….and played an interictal part….which led to his team trouncing the opposing players….and he did it on his birthday…..there is no better present in the world….beside witnessing the birth of your child…..that can top that…..then there’s…..
DRAKE…..John Lennon’s son once said….. “I’m getting older and I just want to give some advice…..to the young people out there….never get into a rap battle with Kendrick Lamar”…..I guess you didn’t get the memo…..look here son, you pick a fight with someone and paid the price…..we know you wanted to act all “hood”…..and push the fake image….of being all “Hood”…..when the world knew your ass was from Canada….not sure what your “Hood” looks like….but it ain’t like Kendrick’s…..you took on a Pulitzer Prize winner to pick a fight with….someone who lived and still lives…..what you imagine “Hood” life is like…..and the halftime show…..it was the same as a person knocking on your momma’s door…..and telling her all the shit he knows about you…..Mr. Lamar told the entire world….you’re a pedophile….and from what I’ve seen on the net so far….not only…..damn near the entire “STADIUM”…..but people from all around the world…..including little White kids….joined in together and sang….. “a Minor”…..what Kendrick did to you…..should be considered a felony…..in every country around the world….it was a nuclear “FU…..GAME OVER!”…..everyone saw it man…..if not while watching Super Bowl Sunday…..trust me, everyone’s seen it by now…..videos, reels, opinions….that diss is literally everywhere…..I bet people attending your shows in Australia have seen it……there’s nothing you can do to come back from that…..nothing!…..even many global rappers agree….you’re done man, done…..the best piece of advice I can give to you is…..stay in your igloo mansion up in Canada…..if you have property or own business in America….especially in LA….sell it….sell it all….the entertainment party scene…..forget it, you will not be welcomed anymore……maybe you might be able to book a gig in the middle of the Amazon jungle…..and you should definitely see if McDonald’s is hiring…..because you’re done dawg…..a done duck….toast…..burnt bacon.