…..A day of celebration…..to thank our brave soldiers who fought to protect American citizens freedom from outside oppression and aggression ……yeah, right…..you have to ask yourself…..who were we protecting ourselves from?…..because if you look at our history…..no one has really attacked America…..but you will see notice…..America has been the aggressors…..check this out…..the only time we had to protect our freedom was…..1775-1783 and that was the American Revolution…..which was fought against England…..1798-1800 was the Franco-American Naval War against France…..I guess that was a nice way to say thank you…..for coming to our rescue and saving our asses during the American Revolution War…..one we would’ve lost if the French didn’t come to our rescue……1812-15 the War of 1812 and that was also against England…..1939-1945 was World War Two…..and that happened because I guess……Japan thought it was a good idea…..to give back all the steel we sold them…..and bomb Pearl Harbor…..and that’s it…..no other country during the course of history has attacked America…..but America?…..1759-1761 was the Cherokee War….the original people in what is now called America was fighting against aggression from foreigners…..1836 was the War of Texas Independence…..and Mexico was fighting to keep land that was already theirs…..and as far as I’m concerned…..we should give Texas back to them…..they can have it……1861-1865 was the U.S. Civil War…..one where we were kicking each other’s asses…..1898 was the Spanish American War and Spain was attempting to reclaim their own land…..1939-1945 was World War Two…..a war we had no business being involved in…..that was a European problem…..1950-1953 was the Korean War…..one we also had no business being in…..1950-1975 was the Vietnam War…..a truly senseless war fought basically over control of the drug trade…..do your own homework on that one if you don’t believe me…..1961 was the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba…..an island that was taken over by Cuban revolutionaries who want to get rid of Capitalism and American involvement…..and what did America do…..those who were involved in the invasion…..they left them to die…..1989 was the Invasion of Panama…..why?…..because Manuel Noriega said screw you…..I’m not taking your shit anymore or doing what you want me to do?……1990-1991 was the Persian Gulf War…..one that include something called the Coalition Forces…..I’m going to assume something wasn’t right…..so we stopped it…..thought about it….and in 2003-2011 we invaded Iraq…..and ruined the country only for oil…..and let’s not forget in 2001 we and the Coalition Forces invaded Afghanistan for…..what, their opium poppy fields and rare minerals?…..and stayed for a while…..and since 2004 until present day…..we’re involved in a war in Northwest Pakistan…..that one we’re more into droning people to death instead putting boots on the ground and wasting lives…..Somalia and Northeastern Kenya……there’s Operation Ocean Shield happening in the Indian Ocean…..the U.S. led intervention in Iraq, Syria, Libya……and the Yemeni Civil War…..and from 2011-2017 we and our allies were fighting against the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda…..yep, that’s a list of some of the conflicts we’re part of…..now someone please explain to me….why we’re celebrating a day…..and thanking those women and men soldiers…..many who have died or came back home completely fucked up…..and when many returned home…..they were shunned, ignored and kicked to the curb….and are not receiving the medical treatment they need to recover from such traumatic experiences……PTSD is real people…..by a country who sent them into those situations…..for things that should’ve never happened…..many of them are buried in Arlington Cemetery, in France, Italy…..some have never been found…..only because they were protecting our freedom……from what may I ask?…..please tell me…..what country on this planet…..beside Japan…..has attacked America?…..and we thank them for their service?……really people?…… “THOSE SOLDIERS SHOULD HAVE NEVER DIED!…..the only ones attacking America right now…..are Americans……and there are plenty of videos of the January 6th attack on the Capitol building…..racial attacks….rights being taken away…..that will prove me right…..and it seems like we can look forward to a repeat of 1861…..I maybe by wrong about this…..but it looks like we’re headed for another Civil War…..so, as for me…..I’m sorry but I’m not going to celebrate a day…..for soldiers…..who died for stupid reasons……or greed!…..hey, hate me if you want…..having armed forces to protect us…..I’m all for it…..but being the aggressor in a foreign country…..countries that are not a threat to our freedoms……HELL NO!