July 13, 2022


….My sons never said any of these things to me…but if they had….it would’ve creeped the hell out of me….I’ll give you 10 right now….and the rest later….

“So, I shouldn’t throw him into the fire?” – (Three-year-old daughter holding her baby brother for the first time)

Driving down the road with my four-year-old and he points to a house and says, “Mom see that house? That is where I used to live a long time ago”

When my daughter was two, my newborn passed away. When she was three, I gave birth to my second son. My daughter asked, “When this baby dies, do I finally get a sister?”

When my daughter was three, she woke up one morning looking rough. I asked if she slept okay and she said, “No! Popaw Mike kept me up all night pinching my toes.” My dad, her Popaw Mike, passed away eight years ago before she was born and that’s how he used to wake my brother and I up when we were little.

My daughter was about five when she said. “You’re the best mommy I ever had.” I said, “I’m the only mother you’ve ever had.” She looked at me and said, “No you’re the third one but you’re the best.”

Walking past an old cemetery, my three-year-old son casually said, “My brother is in there.” When I reminded him that he didn’t have a brother, he said, “No mamma….from before. When the other lady was my momma.”

My five-year-old used to have night terrors and would scream in her sleep. One night I said, “Mana’s here, it’s okay.” She looked right at me still asleep and screamed, “Mama? But who is that behind you?”

I lost my boyfriend a few months back and when I went to visit my little cousin a few days after it happened, he came up to me while I was crying. He asked my why I was crying and so I told him that I missed my boyfriend. He had this confused look on his face and then said, “Why? He’s sitting on the doorstep.”

I was watching my neighbor’s three-year-old daughter, and she looked up at me and said, “When’s the baby going to come out of your tummy?” Two days later I found out I was pregnant,

When my son was two, I told him to be careful when he was jumping around. He said, “It’s okay mom, grandpa is watching me.” My dad passed away when my son was two months old and we hadn’t really talked about it.

EAGLES CHRIS LONG KNOCKS NFL ANTHEM POLICY: “THIS IS NOT PATRIOTISM”….And this statement is coming out of the mouth of a white-guy….the league said that its new approach will help defuse its vexing problem of players protests….which has divided fans and again demonstrated the country’s political polarization….and Long’s teammate….Malcolm Jenkins made it clear that they don’t think much about the new policy..…and that their social activism will continue…..Long also added..… “What the NFL did today was thwart the players constitutional rights to express themselves and use our platform to draw attention to social injustices like racial equality in our country”….so now the players have a choice…..either stand…..or wait in the locker room until the anthem is over…..and teams will be subject to fines for any player demonstrations visible to the spectators…well ain’t that just fine and dandy….and if a player refuses to obey this new ruling….. is “Massa Owner” gonna bring out the whip?……it’s nice to know..…the NFL is more interested in money and ratings….than the reason players are protesting….I have a great idea….the players should stand for the anthem….and once they take the field….and the ball is kicked….they should take the field.….and sit on their asses for four quarters…..and when the rating start going down…..and the fans stop coming…..I bet the NFL will have a different opinion then…..and VP Pence had the nerve to go on Twitter….. “This is a big win for Trump”…..screw you and that idiot.….really, they should go on the field…..and not play.….until the ruling is changed……the head of the NFLPA (National Football League Players Association) DeMaurice Smith angrily denounced the NFL’s decision and called it a blow against America’s most basic rights……freedom of speech!……at least the owner of the New York Jets Christopher Johnson is against this new ruling….he said his team will pay the fines doled out by the league, without passing on punishment to the players… “I will support our players wherever we land as a team. Our focus is not imposing any club rules, fines or restrictions”…..San Francisco 49ers owner Jed York said he abstained from the NFL owners vote on the new anthem policy, in part, because he wanted to hear more from the players……and he may halt concession sales during the playing of the anthem…..he figures if the players have to stand..…then the fans should also stand..…instead of getting a hot dog.….and if the NFL just wants this problem to go away…..guess what?…you just raised a whole new batch of questions…..like my man Kenny Gip said..… “This is some real B.S. here!”..…the New York Daily News said..… “NFL dishonors the flag.”

HARVEY WEINSTEIN EXPECTED TO TURN HIMSELF IN TO THE NYPD FOR SEX CRIMES…..Wow Harv….it’s not like you had a plan B….everyone except my second cousin….wants to charge you or filed a complaint for attempted rape and indecent exposure….UPDATE:…..yeah, the pig turned himself in……and paid a million dollar bail….has to wear a GPS ankle thing….cannot leave the New York/Connecticut area without permission…..he received a grand jury notice.….and by May 30th he can decide to testify or not….and here’s kicker….his next scheduled hearing in front of the court is on….July 30….he’s been accused of one charge of rape and sexual assault….more than 80 women have accused him of doing that….….so why is he still walking the streets?…..oh,….I know why…..it must be the “privilege clause”…..this is disgusting…..and Morgan Freeman….if you did..…what they say you did….I hope they nail your ass too!


Prez Trump….what an oxymoron…….continues to divide our country……as he spews derogatory and offensive insults at people of color. He called our sons and brothers….. SOB’s and now he suggests that “they can leave the country.” These aren’t buzz words or subliminal messages……these are highly offensive…inflammatory and insulting racist based insults.
Somebody mandated that he take an educational course on who built this country and European countries of economic strongholds. Western economic powers were built on the backs of slaves and slave trade. Trump has the audacity to tell Black men they can leave our country!! His ignorance can no longer be viewed as politically incorrect or as a Washington outsider, but it’s become a direct attack and insult upon a great and dynamic ethnic group of Americans that have created and exulted in the fabric of our country.

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