August 15, 2021


…..And to build up the tension….the article ended with…. “HERE’S THE TWEET”….I was like….ok….turned on the coffee and….oh, forgot to tell ya….this was the embassy in Antigua and Barbuda…..scary huh?…..anyway,…, China is mad because they’re going to put a bullet….into the back of the head…of a guy named….Robert Schellenberg…..and a Chinese court upheld the decision….and 26 nations said…. “That’s messed up man”….anyway,…so some dude on one of the islands said…. “The performance art of Western diplomats in China: to “defend” the Canadian drug felon. Such a clumsy political show is utterly despicable. Oh, yes, the most aside, that little-yellow-skinned role is a Japanese, who is not even qualified to stand on the stage.”….WTF does that even mean?….anyway….my man Bob was busted for….smuggling, trafficking, transporting and…..manufacturing drugs… China…..China…..yep, China… 26 need to find a bar, get drunk and forget about this guy….and China will probably send Canada…..a bill for the bullet.

I HAVE A QUESTION?….Why am I still read shit about “STUPID”?

THREE VOLCANOES ARE ERUPTING AT THE SAME TIME IN ALASKA….Well this should be interesting….Mt. Etna has been burping for a long time now….and lets not forget Greece….AND…Turkey….the northwest….Canada….all of that is burning….Nicole showed me a video of a Greek island called Evia…..the people were watching their island “BURN”….from a boat…..this climate shit….it’s going to be interesting….floods…not good, not good……but honestly?….I want to know what’s up with Siberia….the area that was basically a frozen unexplored tundra..….when the permafrost starts to really melt….and new things start appearing…..remember the sinkholes coming out of nowhere….burping gas or whatever…..woolly mammoths….weird stuff they can’t explain……hey, come on….COVID came out of nowhere….what could be worse?…..and July was the hottest month….ever recorded.

FOUR TEACHERS FROM BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA HAVE DIED OF COVID IN A SINGLE DAY – AT LEAST THREE WERE VACCINATED….And that vaccination didn’t help much…people in Florida….either you do….or you don’t….listen to an idiot…or listen to yourself………NEXT!….and this one…..

TEARFUL TEACHER DRAMATICALLY QUITS HER JOB RATHER THAN CALL TRANS STUDENTS BY THEIR NAMES…..Poor Laura Morris stood in front of hundreds of people…and said with tears in her eyes…or running down her cheeks…..wasn’t there…. “I just cain’t be teaching dem der TBQLY people because it’s against my views as a believer in Christ”…..good because you shouldn’t be teaching anyway….because you’re stupid….and she’s urging other teachers to do the same….fine….let them quit….maybe we can find someone who can teach….everything is not only learned in school….she didn’t say the TBQLY thing….but you get my point.


MARJORIE TAYLOR….If you haven’t hear from, about….or know this woman….I have no idea where you’ve been….but let me know how you got there….anyway,….the Georgia congresswoman….said…. “It’s no big deal that hospitals are filling up and running out of beds”….21,219 Georgians….247 of them from her home county….have died from COVID….and her words of wisdom….when it comes to dealing with 19….or Delta….and Delta’s cousin….Lambda…. “We can’t live forever”… I said….what could be worse?…this woman is on something….I never took in college.

US HISTORY BOOKS REFER TO SLAVERY AS “BLACK IMMIGRATION”….This is part of a report from….The Guardian….they also found out a textbook described Nelson Mandela’s campaign to end apartheid as….radical affirmative action….The Guardian examined textbooks made by…..Abeka, Bob Jones University Press and Accelerated Christian Education…..they’re not sure how many US students use these textbooks….but Abeka’s website found out that their book reached more than one million students each year….ACE claims “tens of thousands in more than 140 countries use textbooks made by the one listed above….a report from the Huffpost found out that approximately 2,400 schools use their books….an Accelerated Christian Education book called the Civil War the…..battle between the states and here’s a little somthin’ from that book…. “The end of slavery in this country was a legitimate goal, but much was done in the name of abolition that was as evil as the institution of slavery itself”…..erasing history again……anyway,……

NEW YORK CITY HOMECOMING CONCERT….On August 21st… Central Park….is the dumbest idea ever…..and COVID is smiling it’s ass off…..because on the 22nd of August….he’s going to help fill the hospitals around the state…..again.

CDC URGES COVID-19 VACCINES DURING PREGNANCY AS DELTA VARIANT SURGES…..They’re saying only 23% of pregnant women have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine….this is….I’m sure a hard decision for pregnant woman…..because I would wonder what the vaccine would do to my unborn child….you have to go back in time and remember…..Thalidomide was a rapid approved drug that was introduced in 1957….it was marketed in 50 countries before being withdrawn in 1962….due to the malformations in newborns…..which resulted in the….biggest man-made medical disaster ever…..more than 10,000 children were born with a range of severe deformities….such as phocomelia….as well as thousands of miscarriages….40% of the children died shortly after birth….and it was first released in 1954….Thalidomide was aggressively marketed by the German pharmaceutical company Chemie Grünenthal under the trade name Contergan….as a medication for anxiety, trouble sleeping, tension and morning sickness….without having been tested on pregnant women….Chemist Heinrich Mücker who was a known Nazi war criminal….was appointed to the head the discovery program….based on his experience researching and producing an anti-typhus vaccine for Nazi Germany…..those children who survived had limbs, eye, urinary tract and heart defects….this drug led to the development of greater drug regulations and monitoring in many countries….it is not known exactly how many worldwide victims of thalidomide embryopathy there have been….although some estimate a range of….10,000 to 20,000….even though there has been constant testing of the COVID-19 vaccine….I would still understand why a woman would be worried if it would affect her unborn child.

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