….From January to March….1,001 people said later to the U.S..…complex or costly taxes are one factor….global income tax compliance and disclosure laws can be inconvenient, expensive and some say downright oppressive….no group is more severely impacted than U.S. persons living abroad…because if you’re income is over a certain amount…..you have to pay taxes in the country you’re living in….and to the U.S. Government…..even though you didn’t earn a dime working there….Foreign Bank Account Reports carry Draconian civil and criminal penalties…..Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is ramping up now worldwide….and you have to pay an “Exit Tax.”…..yes, if you want to give it up…..you have to pay a tax to give it up.
RARE CONDITION MEANS WOMAN HAS SMELLED OF FISH AND ROTTON EGGS FOR 14 YEARS……The condition is called…..Trimethylaminuria (TMAU)……a metabolic disorder in which the body loses the ability to properly break down the trimethylamine found in certain foods…..you’re sweat, urine and breath give off a strong fishy odor…..her body is unable to cope with certain foods….meat, dairy, coffee and fish…..she is abused on the streets and public transportation…..people always leave her soaps and perfumes…..laugh at her….she takes at least 5 baths a day….doctors hadn’t a clue and there is no cure….she came across an online forum for people with TMAU…..she began to wash with a special PH-balanced soap……now when people make fun of her she pulls them aside and explains her condition to them……she gained her confidence back and found true love.
FEWER THAN 1 IN 5 PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS ARE NONWHITE……I’ve had many teachers during my years of schooling…..maybe it was different then….but….what was important for me was the lesson plan and how the teacher applied it…..color had nothing to do with it…..some are good and some sucked….and being raised by a teacher helped me realize some people shouldn’t become teachers….now days….the whole educational system is broke…..it needs a major overhaul….still, regardless….there are teachers who care…..ask the young man who was accepted to all the Ivy League schools….and the kids attending the school in Chicago….where every student was accepted into a college/University.
THIS JUDGE IS EITHER THE LEAST QUALIFIED PERSON TO RUN A DRUG COURT OR THE MOST….. “YEA FLORIDA!”…..Gisele Pollack operates a drug court…..the object is to steer minor and nonviolent offenders into treatment programs rather than jail…..this woman was arrested for drunk driving and causing an accident recently…..she was on voluntary leave of absence because she showed up to court drunk…..the second time in four months…..she would hear the cases presented to her drunk out of her mind!
MAN TRIES TO FIND LOVE ON FACEBOOK GETS REJECTED BY 5,000 WOMEN…..Take the hint man…..you’re ugly!
JOE BIDEN GETS INVITED TO PROM BY 17-YEAR-OLD GIRL……She called him the most delightful man in America…. “I’m inviting you so far in advance because I’m sure many 17-year-old girls send you prom invitations, and I had to beat them to it.”…..sad to say….he had to turn her down due to scheduling…..but he sent her a wrist corsage personally picked by the VP and invited her to visit him at the White House……nice!