…..If you post a letter in England and put the stamp upside down (with the picture of the Queen), you’re committing an act of treason…..In Arkansas a man is legally allowed to beat his wife once a month…..In France you could be put in jail for naming a pig Napoleon…..In Iowa it is forbidden for any kiss to last more than 5 minutes….In Nova Scotia, Canada you’re not allowed to water your lawn when it’s raining (????)…..In England, committing suicide is punishable by death (????)….In Israel it is illegal to pick your nose on Saturday….In Indonesia you could be decapitated if found masturbating….In Oklahoma you can be arrested for making ugly faces at a dog….In New York, the penalty for jumping off a building is death (go figure)….In California it is illegal to set a mousetrap without a hunting license….In Athens, Greece, a driver’s license can be taken away if the driver is thought to be either “poorly dressed” or “unbathed” (if that law existed back home….there would be a lot of Walmart shoppers walking).
UNDERWEAR COMPANY OFFERS PENIS INSURANCE….Men who purchase 3 or more pairs of UNDZ underwear will get a Lloyd’s of London insurance policy to be paid out if their sex organ becomes detached from their body….$50.000….they said, “This is to prevent people from intentionally removing their penis”…..who in their right mind would do that?…..only in Canada!
AUSTRALIAN STATE BANS THE RIGHT TO PROTEST…..The conservative government of Victoria has passed a controversial law along the lines of those seen in Russia and Egypt……the police now have wide reaching powers over protesters…they can now fine or arrest anyone they think who might be obstructing access to buildings, impeding movement or traffic or people they anticipate who may become violent…..a penalty order can result in 2 years of prison…..hey Sue, Ronnie and Joe, what’s up with that?
THE TEA PARTY…..I don’t know about you …but they scare me…..this is what some of them believe….vetoing anti-gay Arizona bill will eviscerate the rights of freedom of speech….calling immigrants “Wetbacks” is as normal as breathing air…..repeal all civil rights laws…..America must support Israel to keep being blessed by God….pregnant women are “host” even if some people “refer to them as mothers”….single mothers are the cause of all our kids problems….America today is very much like Nazi Germany….Obama is using soldiers as lab rats in gay racial social experiment….homosexualists are part of a religious cult trying to kill the first amendment.
OFFICER’S BODY CAMERA RAISE PRIVACY CONCERNS….When you think about it….we can’t get too mad over this..…because whenever someone sees a police officer doing something they disagree with what is the first thing they do…..pull out a camera and start taping….the plus side is….at least they will be taping their actions….the down side is….if they do something wrong will it show up as evidence in court?
CANADA’S INUIT FACE HUMAN TRAFFICKING FEARS……Inuit families sell their babies online, pimp out their daughters and turn a blind eye to human trafficking….Nunavut, Canada’s youngest territory is home to some of the world’s most remote communities…..population of 35,591 people live scattered across 2,093,190 square miles….it can only be reached by plane or boat…..70% of the communities don’t have safe shelters for women, no substance or sexual abuse services, no psychiatrists or psychologists….the average is 14 people in a two bedroom home.