December 18, 2021


…..So, a father drops his son off for his first day at school….and the school lets him know that they have a no dreadlock policy and his son needs to cut his hair….and people are being rejected from jobs, schools and other public places because of the texture of their hair….a Penn State running back….C.J. Holmes….a football player who hears  a message from a woman saying….he’s ugly and should cut his dreads….the Penn State football coach lit into her ass and backed the player…..last year a New Jersey high school wrestler had to cut his dreadlocks before he could compete in a match….this bias stems from stereotypes that black hair in its natural state is dirty or unkempt…..this person doesn’t get out too much…..nappy and dirty hair ain’t got nothing to do with race….anyway,….and there’s the Title VII, the federal law that prohibits workplace discrimination based on race, sex and religion….but by now…we all know the “LAW” doesn’t mean a damn thing….unless you live on the other side of the tracks… it, sexual harassment, getting your stupid kid in college by any means necessary, killing an innocent person…..even though you swore to uphold the rule of law….it doesn’t matter even if you are what they call the leader of the free world….since it seems like “SOME” are practicing what many are calling “White Supremacy”……ok,….how about this idea?….I think it’s time those on the other side of the tracks…..who have to deal with this…should start practicing…..

BLACK SUPREMACY……Now, as of today, the so-called “SOME” are not allowed to….ever go to or visit….and don’t even think about doing…..

WASHINGTON. D.C. that was designed by a black person…and if you are not what we consider a citizen of…… “Chocolate City”….then you need to pack it up and leave… for

MUSIC:….you are not allowed to perform anymore rap, soul, rock, funk, gospel, jazz, reggae, African rhythms, Big Band, Latin, country or western nor classical music which involved Beethoven or Mozart music….go back and play your Kazoo… are not allowed to….

FILMS:….No more portraying characters who are not the same as you… will be banned from seeking all those necessary needs you are accustomed to…..

INVENTIONS:….X-ray spectrometer, neurosurgery, ironing boards, roads and bridges, folding beds or folding chairs, artificial heart pacemakers, street sweepers, disposable syringes, horse shoes, home security systems, close circuit television security, lawn mowers and lawn sprinklers, heating, ventilation or air conditioning, DNA testing, potato chips, light bulbs, gas mask, traffic signals, blood banks, refrigerators, cataract surgery, the world’s fastest computer, elevators, guitars, golf tees, the egg beater, fire extinguisher, breathing devices, fire escape ladders, no touch tone phones, portable fax, caller ID, call-waiting and no using fiber-optic cables, no toasters, no more shoes, no using dust pans to clean your house, or a mop, no peanut butter, clothes dryers, you must learn how to drive a stick-shift, no more using door knobs or door stoppers, fountain pens, mail boxes, riding saddles….to name a few….and last but not least….

SPORTS:… are only allowed to play….basketball, football and baseball….the way “YOU” thought it should be played….according to your original plan ideas for the sports to be played…..because what you see now….that’s “US!”….so if you want to continue to degrade us…and blame us for all the problems existing within our society…..that’s on you….because “WE” are not the ones in control of what happens around the world….”WE” are only blamed for the problems “YOU” cause….you want to attempt to control us….just remember how “WE” can hurt you where it hurts most… your pocket…..”WE” control music….”WE” control sports….”WE” control the arts….you have yet to come up with an original idea….that doesn’t include, death, destruction and domination and disease….just imagine if we did to you….what you feel you have a right to do to us….just imagine if we…. “STOPPED!”….and started telling you what you can and cannot do?….and one more thing…..

BOOKS:….Stop using our quotes to benefit your so-called game plan….in an attempt to appease us….you didn’t experience what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr……had to endure….I still do…..everyday….you don’t like my hair or my skin color….then don’t wear dreadlocks, afros and don’t use our ways of expressing oneself… know, slang language…or as you might call it… “Ghetto talk”…. and stop lying in the sun because you want your skin color to look like mine… least some states are taking action against this discrimination.     

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