December 12, 2021


….And how sweet is this?… Arizona hiker found it and wound up bringing the 8-year-old girl…..and her sister presents…..Randy Heiss found the deflated balloon with a piece of paper attached to it….written by a child with the name “Dayami” on it…..he realized it was a numbered list….and someone was attempting to send it to Santa…..judging by the wind current he figured it might’ve come from Nogales, Mexico….about 20 miles away….so he came across a great idea….he asked his wife to help him since she speaks Spanish….and she reached out to Cesar Barron…who runs a radio station in Nogales and shared Heiss’s desire to find the little girl on the airwaves and Facebook… day Cesar let Randy know he’d found the little girl and wanted to know if he wanted to meet her…..Randy said, “Hell yea!”…..and Randy and his wife bought Dayami almost everything on her wish list…..and some for her sister…..they said they were Santa’s helpers….so that they wouldn’t ruin Santa for the children….you see…..still good people on this planet.

DID YOU KNOW…….EUROPEAN SETTLERS BASICALLY WIPED OUT THESE AMERICAN INDIAN TRIBES……….Chesapeaks-Chickahominys-Potomacs-Montauks-Nanticokes-Machapunges-Catawabus-Cheraws-Hurons-Eries-Mohawks-Senecas-Mohegans-Delawares-Mohaves-Paiutes-Shastas-Yumas-Sioux (Santee)-Dokotas-Mdeukanton (Santee)-Teton Sioux-Oglala Tetons-Kiowas-Comanches-Pueblos-Utes-Nezperce-Hopi-Tainos-Arawak-Powhatans-Pemaquid-Wampanoags-Narragansett-Mahicans-Raritans-Iroquois-Ottawas-Shawnees-Miamis-Sauks-Foxes-Winnebagos-Pottawotamies-Kickapoos-Cherokees-Chickasaws-Choctaws-Creeks-Seminoles-Hukpapas-Brute`(Tetons)-Cheyennes-Arapahos-Apaches-Navahos-Modocs.

THANKS FOR THIS ONE ALBERT…..A guy with a gun enters a bar. “Who the heck had sex with my wife?” A voice was heard in the background, “You don’t have enough bullets.”

A WONDERFUL IDEA…..A marijuana dispensary offered free weed in exchange for donating food and can goods……the promotion ended within 13 minutes.

BIO HACKER INJECTS HIMSELF WITH DNA SEQUENCE MADE FROM BIBLE AND KORAN VERSES…..Don’t know about you….but I think this is taking religion a tad too far….his reason?….he wondered whether it would be possible…..Adrien Locatelli from Grenoble, France….decided to translate religious passages into a DNA code in order to build unknown proteins….which he then poured into his body… do see the word….unknown?….dude risked potentially fatal consequences leaping into the unknown….he hadn’t a clue what the effects of his DNA cocktail would have on his body….and of course he’s claiming his experiment is the first of its kind….maybe, because he converted all of the letters in the holy books into a DNA sequence…, pay attention because I’m only saying this once…..a DNA strand is made up of chemicals with the letters ACGT….and all genes are coded for a different combination of these four letters … man Adrien replaced every character in the Book of Genesis with DNA code….excluding 2:10 to 2:14, 5 and 7:1 to 7:5 because they were “controversial” and going in the order of GACT…..well what did he expect…he picked “Genesis….that book ain’t nothing but  controversy…..but that’s another conversation….I don’t know what his endgame is….but if it’s to sequence back to one of the characters in Genesis…..and become that person….whichever one he may choose…’s a piece of advice…..don’t bite the apple….and watch you back because your big brother is a freakin’ psychopath.  

20 WEIRD THINGS FOREIGNERS SAY ABOUT AMERICANS….Shoot….not only Europeans…..this is going to be fun…..I’ll pick my favorites ones…,….. “Americans go to war everywhere”…..ain’t that the truth….. “They can’t make beer”….that’s for damn sure….hey, I live in Germany….. “America has unhealthy food”….that fast food will kill ya….and make you think about a bigger wardrobe…..Everything is “Awesome”…..even Nicole hates that word…. “Americans smile too much”….smiling is good….fake smiling is something else…. “They think Europe is just France, Germany and Britain”…..I’ve heard people say back home, they’ve thought about driving to Europe for a summer vacation…. “Americans put too much ice in their drinks”….yeah, that does happen, especially in bars….. “They are too loud”….I never understood why people feel the need to yell their conversation into the ear of the person standing right next to them….and not only Americans…. “Why do they have to be so polite all the time”… can be tiring when every store you go in….someone wants to know how you’re doing….leave me alone and let me shop…… “Wearing pajamas in public is strange”…..and this coming from people (Europeans) who have no problem wearing nothing in public….but it did freak me out one time when I was in Walmart….and a woman walking in wearing her bathrobe, nightgown and bedroom slippers….and no one blinked an eye….. “Americans are shooting each other all the time”….yeah, we do tend to do that….so don’t be surprised why tourism is down back home….and my favorite…. “Americans are arrogant” …..not really….most are nervous in a new environment and afraid to try something new….choose McDonald’s instead of a family run Italian restaurant…a few people suffer from the “stick to what you know” syndrome…..I take that back….in Europe….most of them are arrogant….one of the reasons I and many other Americans living across the pond…..ignore them!

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