December 12, 2021


“Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, for no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is the one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity”….did Sitting Bull say this?…don’t know….wasn’t there….but I agree with this.

GUESS WHAT? BLACK PEOPLE “CAIN’T”….Listen to nor recite the lyrics of a Jay-Z cut without a neighbor calling the cops….and I’m going to keep going with this one…it’s out of control folks..…David Eddington was having a beer….in the backyard of his home…talking to his brother about Lebron and the Los Angeles Lakers….on the phone…..while his brother is trying to convince him that sooner or later he’s gonna become a Laker fan…David’s response to that was….. “I got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one”….it gets better….my man walked around to the front of his house and faced a shit load of cops pointing their guns at him….don’t worry,….he didn’t become the next “Ooops”…..because the cops told him…..a neighbor had listened in on his conversation….and called the cops….the neighbor thought he was beating his fiancée….who was upstairs….taking a bath….I swear….I am not making this up….David told the cops this isn’t his first rodeo with his neighbor….and he’s never met the guy….probably doesn’t want him as a neighbor…..or in the town period….so what’s next?….kids won’t be able to sing Mary had a little lamb?…..because someone’s gonna think it’s animal cruelty because lamb’s should frolic in the fields?…..will it piss off the PETA people because of the shearing process….or people may take “had a little lamb” out of context….and think she fried up some lamb chops?….and of course “THAT” is going to piss off the veggie groupies……man, that alien spaceship cannot get here quick enough.

AND HERE’S THE LATEST INFO ON AMERICA’S ON GOING  “PURGE”….6-year-old girl strangles her toddler brother to death with a car seat belt……a Kansas official told a black woman he was part of the “Master Race”…..a police officer is among the four dead after a man decided to shoot up a Chicago hospital because he was pissed off at his ex… dead and four injured after a shootout in downtown Denver….an ex-judge who assaulted his wife in 2014 is arrested after she’s found dead…..Baltimore’s latest shooting victim was the 5-year-old sister of a girl fatally shot in July….a man was arrested after a 13-year-old girl was fatally shot in her Milwaukee home…..a North Carolina principal accused of raping a 12-year-old student is found dead by suicide.….an NFL football player’s family relatives were wounded in a shooting in Alabama…..woman who was shot at a religious store dies….4 people were found executed in a home’s basement in Philadelphia…..a father of three accidentally shoots and kills his wife while he was cleaning his gun…..a toddler is dead after accidentally shooting himself with a gun he found under a pillow….a young boy killed his parents at his school and then fled the scene…………….to be continued!

WHO SHOULD OWN SOUTH AFRICA’S LAND…..How about this idea…..give it to the people who owned the land….before people from other countries came, invaded, enslaved, abused people, murdered ….and took the land from those people who were invaded upon, enslaved, abused and murdered….and who already owned the land?


Teenager loses his driving license after 49 minutes

Hawaiian burger chain closes a restaurant over a video of a rat being cooked on a grill

A single mother has been paying an actor to pose as her daughter’s father for the last 10 years

French poster featured Trump’s likeness to encourage voter registration

Couple ejected from the front row of a metal concert for having sex

Dog is accused of a hate crime for pooping outside someone’s home

AMERICA AT ITS BEST……The “WHITE” house turned away foreign students from New Jersey on a tour with their classmates…..San Ysidro border crossing closed, U.S. fires what appears to be tear gas as migrants rush towards the border and now Trump threatens to close the Mexican border permanently….for those of you who “really” don’t read….or do something called….research… is illegal to gas women and children seeking asylum…..U.S. and international law guarantees their safety and human rights……and to hear Ron Colburn…..president of the Border Patrol Foundation defend the gassing of the asylum seekers by saying, “You can put the tear gas on your nachos” is appalling… urgent nationwide call went out on frozen vegetables after nine people died….massive food recall hits Trader Joe’s, Walmart, Kroger and more….. “STUPID” says he doesn’t believe his administration’s climate report…..nooses were found just before a runoff election to determine whether a black man will hold a senate seat in Mississippi for the first time since the 1880’s…..and what would America be without another unarmed black man being shot?

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