December 12, 2021


…..Save the patrons and detain a gunman while you’re doing security at a bar you work at because the police will arrive and shoot you dead… “CAIN’T” be a student with your feet resting on the seat in front of you because a professor will call the campus police….you “CAIN’T” use a ATM in a Target store because a woman will call the police….you “CAIN’T” park your car because someone might call you the N-word if they don’t like the way you parked it….you “CAIN’T” catch a subway in NY because a white man might stab you with a knife and call you a black bitch… “CAIN’T” pick up your kids from school because a teacher might call you the N-word in front of your kids… “CAIN’T” be an undefeated black youth football team because you will be banned from the playoffs for no reason after enduring racial slurs the entire season.

GERMAN TEACHERS EN MASSE REPORT THEMSELVES TO FAR-RIGHT AfD AFTER IT ASKS CHILDREN TO SPY ON THEIR POLITICAL VIEWS….Well, it was tried before….so what makes you think it wouldn’t work again?……don’t know if it’s true…..but the Independent says…..German school teachers gave the far-right party their names after it asked students to spy on their political views so it could compile a list of its critics….actually asking  them to report and denounce their teachers to the party if they criticize the party in classes…..or express related political views….personally, I like the teachers at the Lina Morgenstern School… Kreuzberg, Berlin…..they all wrote a joint letter to the AfD….asking their names to be voluntarily added to the “denunciation list”…. “We attach great importance to being on this list because we will continue to ensure that school students are empowered to understand the character of your party. From history, we know that what begins with denunciation and intimidation ends with the detention of dissenters in camps. For all these reasons, and because we are not intimidated we would be honored if you can put our names on your list”… kind of teachers……make the racist party known!

PAULA ABDUL FALLS HEAD-FIRST OFF THE STAGE DURING A MISSISSIPPI CONCERT…..I watched the video….I saw her bust her ass….and I busted out laughing….how can you not know where the stage ends and begins….did they at least lay out some yellow and black striped tape so you would know?…..I’ve never fell off a stage….even when I was tired, drunk and high…seriously Paula?…..major rookie mistake…..I also remember when Angela Bofill was opening for Al Jarreau in Boston….and she entered the stage with attitude….and tripped over her own mic cord.

A WEEK OF AMERICA HATE: BOMBS MAILED, BLACK PEOPLE EXECUTED, JEWS SLAUGHTERED…..To quote Childish Gambino…. “This is America….don’t catch you slippin’ now…look how I’m livin’ now…police be trippin’ now…guns in my area…I got the strap….I gotta carry ‘em”….two black people executed in a grocery store….an avowed anti-Semite walks into a synagogue and killed 11 people while screaming “All Jews must die!”…..and of course Israel condemned the killings….which I find ironic…..since they have no problem killing innocent people…but that’s another story…..anyway,….. “This is America….!”

MAN WHO RACIALLY ABUSED BLACK WOMAN ON A RYANAIR FILGHT: IT WAS JUST A FIT OF TEMPER….Oh really?….so the white guy who shot and killed two black people at a convenience store south of Chicago….and planned to shoot up a black church….and….told the police…white people don’t shoot white people…..was that just a fit of temper?…..a black woman working at a voting station and is threatened by two white males and a female….yelling racists epithets and branding firearms….is that just a fit of temper?…..the man called the woman a “black ugly bastard”….told her to move her seat because he didn’t want her sitting next to him….and threaten to physically remove her if she didn’t….and then has the nerve to apologize and say….he’s not a racist?…..that’s like “STUPID” saying he respects women…..and what did the airline company do….nothing!…..they moved the woman…and let the racist keep his seat….didn’t even bother to call the proper authorities….or remove him from the flight….so you see folks….the trend is moving across the pond….and now it’s ok to be a racist….and then say you’re not one….at least Ryanair was kind enough to inform the police about the incident….a few days later… about passing the buck….now if you flip the color spectrum….and a black man said that to a white person….especially a woman….he would’ve been dragged off the flight in handcuffs.

“I AM A NATIONALIST.”…..And that was the latest shit to come out of “STUPID’S” mouth at one of his rallies… a town filled with in-bred idiots who believe he’s making our country great again….to quote Albert Einstein….who I still think stole all of Nikola Tesla’s ideas…and called them his own….said, “Nationalism is an infantile disease. As a citizen of Germany, I saw how excessive nationalism can spread like a disease, bringing tragedy to millions. I am against any nationalism, even in the guise of mere patriotism. Privileges based on position and property have always seemed to me unjust and pernicious, as did any exaggerated personality cult.”….just in case you don’t know….Nationalism is an ideology based on the premise that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpasses other individual or group interests…..towards the end of the 18th century, nationalism began to be a generally recognized sentiment molding public and private life….and one of the greatest single determining factors of modern history….the American and French revolutions may be regarded as its first powerful manifestations….try looking into the history of Latin America….Asia and Africa…..The Roman Empire….The Holy Roman Empire….the Middle Ages…..Giuseppe Mazzini…..Napoleon….Otto Von Bismarck….Chiang Kai-shek….Mao Tse-tung…..Lenin….Stalin…..Toussaint L ‘Ouverture….Ivan the Terrible….Simon Bolivar….Oliver Cromwell…..Adolf Hitler….Ho Chi Minh…..Jomo Kenyatta….Patrice Lumumba….Benito Mussolini….Francisco Franco….Augusto Pinochet….Reza Shah….Ion Antonescu…..Fidel Castro….from the ruins of the Habsburg and Romanov empires came….Austria…..Hungary…..Czechoslovakia….Poland….Yugoslavia….Theodor Herzl….to name a few…..and if you take a really good look at history…..we all know what happened….so if you believe that “STUPID” will make our country great again…..always remember…..history does repeat itself.

69-YEAR-OLD DUTCHMAN STARTS LEGAL BID TO BECOME 20 YEARS YOUNGER…..He actually started a legal bid to change his age….hoping that would help his chances with women on dating apps….like Tinder…..his argument is “You can change your name, change your gender so why not your age?”….he told the court that he suffers as a 69-year old and has been feeling 20, 25 years younger….and since there’s no legal precedent in this area….the courts are skeptical about his case…but they will come up with something in four weeks….Emile Ratelband said if he puts on Tender that he’s 69….he gets no responses…if he list his age as 49…he does….whatever dude….truth be told…when you say 49….and she finds out you’re 69….two things will probably happen….A)….she finds out you’re a liar….and B)…..she’s gonna walk because….who wants a relationship with a liar.

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