December 12, 2021


…..I swear this election is going to make me go out and buy some more weed and wine….come on now “STUPID”…..armed men from Virginia….arrested in Philly near the place where ballots are being counted….and they’re found with fake ballots they wanted to….I guess….insert into the counting process…..yep, the Kool-Aid is still working…..wait….what??……..JOE BIDEN WON?…..the one thing I loved about his win….was watching the people cheer… front of the palace in D.C….it was so…..French.

MY WIFE LOOKED AT ME….In a very strange way….and asked… “Are you ok?”…..I was looking at the news…..and reading Joe Biden was elected our next United States president….and I said to her,….. “A big load was just lifted off my back and it was replaced with hope”……I was watching people dancing in the streets….I saw young people who made a difference in voting…..I read how world leaders were thanking Biden and wishing him all the best for a new beginning…we are so racially divided in America…….I saw people wearing masks…..I saw a new beginning.

HEY, CHRISTMAS IS COMING….So, just in case… might think I was more nice than naughty this year….and you would like to reward me with a…. “I didn’t snap and go off on anyone this year” gift….I’ll take an Electoral College sweatshirt……in a size X-L…..thanks!

TRUMP WANTS A VOTE RECOUNT IN GEORGIA….Ok, if it’s around a 0.25% margin difference…..then make him pay for the recount….and if he wants one in Philadelphia or Nevada or Arizona…..make him pay out of his own pocket.


WHAT WAS THE WORLD’S LARGEST EMPIRE…..That’s easy…..the Achaemenid Empire in 480 B.C… case you don’t remember….that was the Persian Empire….which at that time…..44% of the world’s population fell under that empire…..and the British Empire disputes that fact because….even though they ruled over a meager quarter of the world’s population….the population had grown to around 1.6 billion people….but back then….there were around 112.4 million people alive….anyway,…..

AMERICA TALKS…..May we all work together as citizens of one nation…..I opened my Manhattan windows to the sound of thunderous cheers. My daughter’s eyes lit up and she asked me; “Does that mean a girl is Vice President for the first time?” I said, “Yes, a girl who looks a lot like you.” She then ran to tell her sister and they began cheering together. The work is nowhere near done, but this means so much…..unbelievable…..he’s in the middle of an election, and he goes golfing…..

JILL BIDEN WILL BE A HISTORIC FIRST LADY……She’s a college English professor….with four degrees….four…..Michelle Obama and Jill are tight…..Kamala is coming in…..they all know someone……man, this is going to be great….like I said before…..yo, Joe…..chill…..the women got this.

THE CLUB OF FORMER PRESIDENTS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME…..That’s true….regardless how past presidents may have felt towards each other…..they still came together….well, except maybe Richard Nixon….now that “STUPID” is gone….and in the future they have one of those…..ex-president gatherings… you think they may let “STUPID” out on a day pass from prison….so he can be part of a photo-op….with president’s who were at least….presidential? ….and will they even want to be part of a moment in time…..with him?

KAMALA HARRIS IS THE FIRST BLACK PERSON, SOUTH ASIAN PERSON, AND WOMAN VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES…..That’s it…….nothing else….no more debate…..ok?…..I said it before…..and I will proudly say it again…..I voted for Kamala and Jill…..Joe just happened to be on the ticket…, there’s one more thing I’d like to say……

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