March 7, 2025


….I’m not sure if it’s true….but if it is I love this woman…..Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum….supposedly sent this message to Trump……

DEAR MR. PRESIDENT….So, you voted to build a wall….well, dear Americans….even if you don’t understand much about geography…..since for you…..American is your country and not a continent….it is important for you to know…..before the first brick is laid…..that there are 7 billion people beyond that wall…..but since you don’t really know term “people”…..we will call them “consumers”…..there are 7 billion consumers ready to replace their iPhones with Samsung or Huawei devices in less than 24 hours…..they can also replace Levi’s…..with Zara or Massimo Duti….in less than 6 months….we can easily stop buying Ford or Chevrolet cars…..and replace them with Toyota, Kia, Mazda, Honda, Hyundai Volvo, Subaru, Renault of BMW…..which are technically better than the cars they produce….these 7 billion people can also stop subscribing to Direct TV…..and we don’t want to do that….but we can stop watching Hollywood movies….and start watching more Latin American or European productions…..that have better quality, message, cinematic techniques and content…..although it may sound incredible, we can skip Disney and go to the Xcaret resort in Cancun, Mexico….or Canada….or Europe….there are other great destinations in South America, East America and Europe…..and even if you don’t believe it….even in Mexico there are better hamburgers than McDonald’s and they have better nutritional content…..has anyone seen pyramids in the United States?…..Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Sudan….and other countries there are pyramids with incredible civilizations…..find out where to find the wonders of the ancient and modern world….none of them are in the U.S. ….shame on Trump….he would have bought them and sold them….we know Adidas exists….not just Nike….and we can start wearing Mexican sneakers like Panam….we know more than you think…we know, for example, that if these 7 billion consumers don’t buy their products….there will be unemployment and their economy will collapse (within that racist wall)……to such an extent that they will beg us to tear down that ugly wall….we don’t want to….but you want a wall, your get a wall….sincerely yours…..I love this woman!

SCIENTISTS DEVELOP SHAPE-SHIFTING NANOROBOT THAT FLOWS LIKE LIQUID AND SOLIDIFIES LIKE STEEL…..Did any of these idiots watch any of the Terminator films…..these fools are going to get us killed………scientists have created groundbreaking nanorobots capable of shifting between liquid and solid states…..a development that could revolutionize medicine, engineering, and robotics……the research team, led by Dr. Evelyn Carter, designed microscopic robots that can flow like water to navigate tight spaces and then harden into a solid…..stronger than steel, on command…..this breakthrough was inspired by materials like gallium…..a metal that melts at low temperatures but remains conductive and strong when solid….these nanorobots…..can adapt to their surroundings…..making them useful for repairing electronics, sealing wounds…..or even self-assembling structures….Dr. Carter explained….. “The potential applications are endless.”……..while the technology is still in early testing, researchers are optimistic about its future…..however, one unexpected result occurred during an experiment…..the nanobots momentarily changed form without a direct signal or command…..“This suggests they may have the ability to respond to environmental cues in ways we didn’t fully anticipate,” said Dr. Raj Malhotra…..a researcher on the project…. “It’s an exciting but also challenging discovery.”……scientists will now focus on refining control mechanisms to ensure the nanorobots behave predictably…..if successful, this innovation could mark the beginning of a new era in smart materials and autonomous robotics…..and if you think that idea….is definitely not a good one….how about this….

THERE ARE NO LONGER ANY SCIENTIFIC BARRIERS THAT PREVENTS US FROM CLONING HUMANS….. In 2018, Chinese scientists successfully cloned two crab-eating macaques……Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, marking the first time primates had ever been cloned.

…..this milestone in the field of cloning and brought the possibility of human cloning into sharper focus……while the technical barriers to human cloning have largely been overcome….the ethical and societal implications remain complex and highly debated…..the macaques were cloned using somatic cell nuclear transfer…..the same technique used to create Dolly the sheep in 1996….this method involves removing the nucleus from an egg cell and replacing it with the nucleus from a somatic cell….such as a skin cell…..of the animal to be cloned…..the reconstructed egg is then stimulated to develop into an embryo….which is implanted into a surrogate mother…..prior to this breakthrough, primate cloning had proven elusive due to the complex organization of primate egg cells…..the Chinese scientists overcame this hurdle by using epigenetic modulators to reprogram the somatic cell nucleus…..allowing it to successfully direct the development of the cloned embryo…..this achievement demonstrated that, technically……there are no longer any significant obstacles to human cloning…..however, the prospect of human cloning raises a host of ethical concerns…..many argue that it violates human dignity and the natural order of reproduction…..there are concerns about the potential psychological and social impacts on cloned individuals…..who might face identity issues or feel like mere copies of another person.


I was sitting in the kitchen…..staring out the window…..because I’m too lazy to go in the other room…..and get the doobie I rolled last night……and then my brain said….. the forks I use in a restaurant…..have been in thousands of mouths.

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