LIVE… when you need it….you can sleep when you die
TRUTH IS NOTHING…..what you believe to be true… everything
TO TRAVEL ALONE….is to let the world…..tell you what to do
4 RULES OF LIFE….steal, cheat, lie, drink
Steal: Steal time to help others
Cheat: Cheat death by living life to the fullest
Lie: Lie down next to the one you love
Drink: Drink in the moments that take your breath away
THE JOY….is the journey….destination is a metaphor
GOING WITH THE FLOW….living in the flow
TO BE LEFT-WING….you have to read and think a lot….to be Right-Wing….all you have to do is… proud of your own ignorance
IF YOU ARE….13, 14, 15, 16-years old….it’s not the time to fall in love….go clean your room and do the dishes
WHEN I SAY…… “I’ll figure it out”…..I mean I’ll just adapt… whatever new level of hell is coming
DON’T EXPECT ANY NEW YEARS….resolutions from me….I intend on staying the same awkward sarcastic….out-spoken delight you’ve all come to know and love
ALWAYS REMEMBER…if you blow on your cup of wine….during a zoom meeting….they will think it’s coffee
YOU KNOW WHEN….you buy a bag of salad….and it gets all brown and soggy…..cookies don’t do that
I’M NOT AFRAID TO DIE….I’m afraid to live on my knees….in a world run by lesser men…..who control the destiny of my children
IF YOU CAN’T TELL BY NOW…..that Trump is a con man…..then your IQ isn’t high enough for me… have an adult conversation with you
WE ARE WITNESSING….the most documented genocide in history…..unlike previous times….you will not be allowed… say that you didn’t know
HOW DO PEOPLE NOT SWEAR?…..where does their anger go?… do they show their enthusiasm?…..when they stub their toe….is “Golly Gosh” really gonna cut it?
THIS BODY…..came with a lot of terms and conditions…..I did not agree to
I’M SORRY….for what I said….when you tried to wake me up
IS THERE….such a thing….as a day without bullshit?
I LIKE TO HELP PEOPLE…..find things by pointing out…’s gotta be around here somewhere
ALWAYS PUT ON YOUR COAT…..before you answer the door…..if you’re happy to see them….tell them you’ve just gotten home….if you don’t want to see them….you were just on your way out