IF THERE IS ANYONE….making “America great again”….it is those university students
WHAT IS LIFE?……It is the flash of a firefly in the night…..it is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime….it is the little shadow which runs across the grass…..and loses itself in the sunset
IT’S INCREDIBLY TELLING….that “NOT ONE” single member of his family…..shows up to support him for any of his trials
MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE: “I cheated on my husband twice….and now I want to lecture you….about family values
I HAVE….started to yell….. “NOT FRIENDLY”…..when someone tries to approach me….I learned that from the dog people
HUGH HEFNER…..became a multi-millionaire….staying home in his jammies….I’m not having the same results
I’M GETTING STRONGER WITH AGE….I can now lift $100 worth of groceries…..with one hand
4:20…..National Pot Smokers Day
4:21…..National Surprise Drug Test Day
4:22…..National Unemployment Day
I’M USUALLY GORGEOUS…..but it’s my day off
YOU CAN SAY PLEASE….and thank you a million times….and your toddler will never repeat it…..but say “Ass-faced motherf…..” just once
COOKING & CLEANING….is a basic skill….not a gender role
I WANT TIME….to sit, read, to nap, to learn new things, to see friends and be hugged…..basically, I want to be in kindergarten
WE BECOME…..not a melting pot….but a beautiful mosaic….different people, different beliefs…..different yearnings, different hopes…..different dreams…. (President Jimmy Carter)
SOME PEOPLE….need a special occasion….to enjoy a little wine…..I just need a glass
NOT SURE….if my sister knows any geography….but Alaska
I’M OLD ENOUGH….to remember that putting the National Guard….on college campuses….is a bad idea
I ALWAYS START THE DAY….with good intentions…..then I get out of bed….and that’s usually where it all goes wrong
THE PURPOSE….of propaganda….is to make one set of people…..forget that the other people….are human
ONE LIFE IS ENOUGH….to question all truths
IF AT FIRST….you don’t succeed…..try doing what I told you the first time
BECAUSE….when I listen to the music…..the world doesn’t hurt quite as loudly
HONEY….is the tastiest of all the insect vomits we have tried so far
IT IS CERTAIN….in any case….that ignorance, allied with power….is the most ferocious enemy…..justice can have
SKILLS CAN BE TAUGHT….but character….you either have it….or you don’t
THERE IS NO FREEDOM…..in this country….if I am required to carry a loaded weapon….while teaching English language arts….but am not trusted to select books….in my classroom….or tell students who I married
THEY WILL NEVER ADMIT….he’s guilty….because that would mean….he’s made fools of all of them
WOMAN DOES NOT….emerge from man’s ribs….not ever….it is he who emerges from HER womb….one of the greatest lies of patriarchy…..is framing the father as the life giver